How to use git pull - Git pull from Remote Branch

How to get update from a remote repository?

use git pull URL.


# cd to my git project dir

cd ~/git/example_init

# pull from a remote repository

git pull

This will update your local repository (and working dir) from remote server.

How to force a pull?

# get latest from remote but without merging into local

git fetch --all

# rid of all local state

git reset --hard origin/master

here's another way.

# discard local changes

git reset --hard


# delete all untracked local files and dirs. (DANGEROUS)

git clean -xdf

??????? git pull remote_server_or_name

How to force clean pull from a original project by url?

Fresh Clone of new repo

git remote add upstream

git fetch upstream

git checkout master

git reset --hard upstream/master

git push origin master --force