Kotlin - Functions
Default Arguments, Named Arguments

Functions are main basic building blocks for any programing language. In this chapter we are going to read about how to create, call, argument functions in kotlin

Create a Function

fun add(a:int,b:int):Int
    return a+b

Calling a function is simple. We just need to pass the required number of parameters in the function name


Syntax of function declaration in kotlin

fun funName(varName:Type,....):Type{
//Body of the Method

Every function declaration has a function name, a list of comma-separated parameters, an optional return type, and a method body. The function parameters must be explicitly typed We can also define the functions in single expression

fun avg(a:Double,b:Double)=(a+b)/2
Output : 1.5

void type in Kotlin

Functions which don't return any type will have default return type, which is "Unit" In Kotlin return type Unit is similor to void in Java

fun printAverage(a: Double, b: Double): Unit {
    println("Avg of ($a, $b) = ${(a + b)/2}")
    is similar to

    fun printAverage(a: Double, b: Double) {
    println("Avg of ($a, $b) = ${(a + b)/2}")

Note :The Unit type declaration is completely optional

Default Argument Functions

Kotlin support default argumnets in function declaration. we can assign the default value for the variable, this value will be used when the corresponding argument doesn't pass from the called function.

fun displayIntro(message: String, name: String = "Kotlin") {
    println("Hello $name, $message")

displayIntro("Welcome  ","Android")
displayIntro("Welcome  ")

Output : Hello Android Welcome
Output : Hello Kotlin Welcome

If function declaration has a default parameter preceding a non-default parameter, then the default value cannot be used while calling the function with position-based arguments.

                            fun displayIntro(message: String="Welcom", name: String ) {
    println("Hello $name, $message")
displayIntro("Welcome to ") //error: no value passed for parameter name

Named Arguments

fun displayIntro(message: String="Welcom", name: String ) {
    println("Hello $name, $message")


We can also reorder the arguments if you’re specifying the names

fun displayIntro(message: String="Welcom", name: String ) {
    println("Hello $name, $message")

displayIntro(name="Kotlin",message="Welcome to" )

The following function call is not allowed, it contains position-based arguments after named arguments

displayIntro(name="Kotlin" ,"Kotlin") // error: mixing named and positioned arguments is not allowed

Number of Arguments as array

fun sumOfNumbers(vararg numbers: Double): Double {
    var sum: Double = 0.0
    for(number in numbers) {
        sum += number
    return sum


If any function has varargs following with other arguments, then these function call with named arguments.

 fun sumOfNumbers(vararg numbers: Double,avg:Int ): Double {
    var sum: Double = 0.0
    for(number in numbers) {
        sum += number
    return sum+avg

sumOfNumbers(1.5,1.5,avg=20) //23.0

Spread Operator

We can pass the arguments to a vararg function one-by-one. But if we want to pass the elements of the array to the vararg function, then you can use the spread operator

 val a = doubleArrayOf(1.5, 1.5, 1.6)
sumOfNumbers(*a)  // Result = 23.0

Function Scope

Functions can be categorized as
  Top Level Functions: These do not need a class to be enclosed in.
  Member Functions: These are defined inside a class or Object
  Local or Nested Functions: Functions that are defined in another function fall into this type.
Kotlin has its own set of functions such as main(), println()

Top Level Function

Top level functions in kotlin are defined out side of the class.
main() it self is Top level function. Package level functions is also defined as Top level functions

Member Functions

Member functions are defined inside the member of any class
class User(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {

	// Member function
    fun getFullName(): String {
        return firstName + " " + lastName

Here getFullName() is member function of class User Member functions are only called by class object

Local Functions

Kotlin support nested functions, a function defined inside other function is treat as Lolcal/Inner functions

fun areaOfTriangle(width:Double,height:Double):Double
  throw IllegalArgumentException();
  throw IllegalArgumentException();

  fun calculate(b:Double,h:Double):Double{

  return b*h/2
  return calculate(width,height);


Output : 5.2

//Here calculate() is local/ nested function

Lambda Functions

Lambda is a inline function, which is also know as Anonymous function. We will define lambda function in kotlin like below

{_var -> code_implementation}


fun main(args: Array){
    //lambda function
    val add = {num1: Int, num2: Int -> num1 + num2}
    println("1+2: ${add(1,2)}")

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