What is MVC - AngularJS MVC Architecture

Published August 13, 2022

MVC is just a software design pattern for web application design and development. It is a software engineering architectural pattern that has existed for a long time. MVC architecture is implemented in various languages with minor differences, but the core notion remains the same.

MVC is an abbreviation for Model View Controller. It uses because it promotes the separation of concerns and separates the application program from the user interface stage.


The architecture of the AngularJS MVC Framework

AngularJS MVC separates an application into Model, View, and Controller components. Let's examine the purpose of each MVC component:


The model portion comprises a database, application data, and logic. The database works to store the data of the application. The application data means a variable that works for the user. The logic of the program operates specific tasks for the required output.



The application's user interface is its view component. This section contains the information and displays it to the user in an application. They are script-based format like PHP, ASP JSP, and AJAX technology is relatively simple to connect with them. It also specifies the data in the format chosen by the controller for presenting the data.



A controller governs the interaction between the model portion and the view part. It resembles software code more. It responds to input from the user and interacts with data model items. The controller receives input, verifies it, and then executes business activities that alter the data model's state.


Angular MVC Architecture


MVC In AngularJS

Here, we can examine how the MVC components implement in AngularJS:


Model Component 

It responds to the view part's request. It can access data dynamically, which means it can retrieve data from a MySQL database or a static JSON file.



The following syntax uses for model component in AngularJS.   

<script type=”text/javascript”>

$scope.User= {

'Uname'      :   'RRtutor ',

'Informatiom'  :   'technology',




View Component 

It is the presentation portion of a request. A user can access the Model section using the view section. As a result, the model and view are joined.



The following syntax uses for view component in AngularJS.   

 <p>{ {User.Uname} }</p>



Controller Component

It serves as the core of the angular application. Everything in angular begins with a controller. The model component and the view component are joined. It means that changes made to the model automatically affect on the view component and occur changes on the controller component also. The controller combines the model and the view.



The following syntax uses for controller component in AngularJS.   

<div ng-controller = “information”>

<p>{ {User.Uname} }</p>


<script type=”text/javascript”>

function information($scope){

$scope.User= {

'Uname'      :   'RRtutor ',

'Informatiom'  :   'technology',





How MVC Functions in AngularJS?

The MVC paradigm can be implemented using JavaScript and HTML. HTML implements the model portion, while JavaScript uses for the model and controller portions.


When a user inputs a URL in the browser, then control for that URL is sent to the server, which then calls the controller. The controller then uses the appropriate model and view to generate an appropriate response to the user's request. It causes the reaction, which is then sent back to the user.



Responsibilities segregate across the Model, View, and Controller components of a program. A model holds application data, a view contains the UI layout, and a controller connects the model and view components

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