Attend MockTest

  1. The R file is generated __________

  2. AVD Stands for?

  3. Which component runs in the background and doesn't have any UI ?

  4. What are the Permissions need to declare in AndroidManifest.xml file for sending SMS

  5. Which class is used to send SMS programmatically in Android?

  6. How to get feedback on a message sent via Android app?

  7. Which Permission you need to declare in your AndroidManifest.xml file for initiating a call using the system in-call Activity?

  8. Code which is use to call intent?

  9. For accessing the Subscriber Identity Module(SIM) detail which class you will use?

  10. For sending SMS using an Intent which code is correct?

  11. On which thread does services work in Android?

  12. What are the main components in android?
    1: Activity
    2: Services
    3: Broadcast Receiver
    4: Content provider

  13. Intents  are __________

  14. What are the storage options available in Android?

  15. SharedPreferences store the data in which format?

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