Angular 12 is the latest release of Google's most popular Typescript-based web framework
Angular is an Model View Constroller (MVC) open-source JavaScript framework for the web online applications. It extends the HTML designs and makes it dynamic. Angular is will be used to create SPA(Single Page Applications).
This tutorial has covered all of the major aspects that will assist you in learning and configuring Angular 12 in a short amount of time. This tutorial will be useful to anybody who wants to develop attractive, responsive, and better user experience applications using Angular 12. The Angular 12 knowledge will help you get the expertise you need to succeed in the web developer career.
To get started with Angular 12, you need to be familiar with web development fundamentals such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge of the browser DOM is also required, and prior expertise with previous versions of Angular will be advantageous
To continue with this Angular 12 tutorial should have a Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web application
We will look at the following chapters during this tutorial
Angular 12 - Introduction
Angular 12 - Installation
Creating First Application
Angular 12 - Architecture
Angular Components and Templates
Angular 12 - Data Binding
Angular 12 - Directives
Angular 12 - Pipes
Angular 12 - Reactive Programming
Services and Dependency Injection
Angular 12 - Http Client Programming
Angular 12 - Angular Material
Routing and Navigation
Angular 12 - Animations
Angular 12 - Forms
Angular 12 - Form Validation
Authentication and Authorization
Angular 12 - Web Workers
Service Workers and PWA
Angular 12 - Server Side Rendering
Angular 12 - Internationalization (i18n)
Angular 12 - Accessibility
Angular 12 - CLI Commands
Angular 12 - Testing
Angular 12 - Ivy Compiler
Angular 12 - Building with Bazel
Angular 12 - Backward Compatibility