Get Rid of Stress while doing Work From Home


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In the wake of the continuing coronavirus boom across the country, many companies are saying their employees to work from home. Experts say that while it's true that this is a bit of convenient for employees, along with this there are also difficulties. Offices, however, are arranged to be ready to work. It's natural for minor disturbances to arise from relations et al and getting tired quickly. It's also likely to have an impact on health. Experts say that if We follow the small tips  we can work comfortably at home


Standup For each 30 minuts

Experts recommend standing or walking for a minimum 2 minutes after working for half an hour. This standing or walking will improves blood circulation in the body. 


Strapping the waist ?
This is a problem that many employees are face. Working without moving makes it more likely that the waist will tighten. On the one hand, back pain can be very difficult to work with. What to do to escape from this . Put a chair close to the wall. Stand with both legs slightly to the left in front of it, with both hands on the chair, bending gradually without moving the waist. Bend the head down from between the arms. This makes it straight from the leg to the waist. The chest and abdomen are bent downwards. Experts say that doing this for a minimum of three minutes will have a good result.


Work from home

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To get relief from Back Pain
Back pain can be severe for those who work long hours. It is very easy to get relief from this. Lean the chair against the wall and lie flat on the mat in front of it. Keep your hands on the floor and try as much as possible to bring the body parallel to the chair without moving the waist. Doing so places a heavy burden on the back. The spine is slowly bent backwards and is very relaxed. However, those who already suffer from spondylitis and those with muscle diseases should do these exercises on the advice of a doctor.

Note : These points are for understanding only. 
Those who have health problems are advised to consult a doctor and do appropriate exercises as per their instruction