Flutter ecommerce app template app

Flutter ecommerce app template app

This Flutter ecommerce app contains the Products page, details page and cart page. This app can run on both ios and android devices. This app directory structure will contains like below


Directory Structure

    |    ???route.dart
    ?    ???category.dart
    |    ???data.dart
    |    ???product.dart
    |    ???homePage.dart
    |    ???mainPage.dart
    |    ???product_detail.dart
    |    ???shoping_cart_page.dart
    |    ???light_color.dart
    |    ???theme.dart
         |   |??bootom_navigation_bar.dart
         |   |??bottom_curved_Painter.dart
         |   ???centered_elasticIn_curve.dart
         |  customRoute.dart
         |  prduct_icon.dart


App Screen shots


Flutter E Commerce Application template



Flutter ECommerce Application template




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