What is Android ADB (Android Debug Bridge)

ADB, an Android debug bridge is a command line tool which is allows android developers to communicate with emulator or physical devices which are connected to machine through usb cable or wifi pairing. This Adb will included in Android SDK packages.

Using adb we can manage

  • Manage the state of an emulator or device.
  • Run shell commands on a device.
  • Manage port forwarding on an emulator or device.
  • Copy files to/from an emulator or device

The "adb" command tool represented by the "adb.exe" file in the ./platform-tools folder. We have different commands to check different options with "adb" tool quickly:

1. Run the Android emulator through the AVD Manager and wait for the emulator to be fully booted.

2. Go to a Windows command window and run the following commands 

C:\>cd \local\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools

C:\local\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb version

Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41

Version 33.0.3-9176374

Installed as /usr/local/bin/adb


On Mac will be like below

Android debug bridge


Enable adb debugging on Emulator/Device

To use adb with a device connected over USB/ Emulator, we must enable USB debugging in the device system settings, under Developer options. On Android 4.2 and higher, the Developer options screen is hidden by default. To make it visible, enable Developer options.


Connect to a device over Wi-Fi

From Android 11 and higher versions of devices supports deploying and debugging apps wirelessly from our workstation using Android Debug Bridge (adb). Example we can deploy and debug applications on real devices without USB connection, it will connect over wifi. This eliminates the need to deal with common USB connection issues, such as driver installation. We will learn more about android wifi pairing in the comming chapters.

Adb Device commands

adb devices Lists connected devices
adb devices -l Lists connected devices and kind
adb root Restarts adbd with root permissions
adb start-server Starts the adb server
adb kill-server Kills the adb server
adb remount Remounts file system with read/write access
adb reboot Reboots the device
adb reboot bootloader Reboots the device into fastboot
adb disable-verity Reboots the device into fastboot


Adb Logcat commands

adb logcat Starts printing log messages to stdout
adb logcat -g Displays current log buffer sizes
adb logcat -G <size> Sets the buffer size (K or M)
adb logcat -c Clears the log buffers
adb logcat *:V Enables ALL log messages (verbose)
adb logcat -f <filename> Dumps to specified file


Adb FileManagement commands

adb push <local> <remote> Copies the local to the device at remote
adb pull <remote> <local> Copies the remote from the device to local


Adb Remote Shell Commands

adb shell <command> Runs the specified command on device (most unix commands work here)
adb shell wm size Displays the current screen resolution
adb shell wm size WxH Sets the resolution to WxH
adb shell pm list packages Lists all installed packages
adb shell pm list packages -3 Lists all installed 3rd-party packages
adb shell monkey -p app.package.name Starts the specified package