The code Resources The strategy App Bundle With the Android studio we have option to generate app bundle to publish the app. Based on device configuration app bundle will install only that specific device related resources.
maintains good programming habits. Do not repeat or unused code. Add libs carefully and remove unused libs.
Use proguard to obfuscate the code, it will optimize the unused code, and can reduce the size of the installation package after obfuscation.
The part of native code, in most cases, only needs to support armabi and x86 architecture. If not necessary, consider removing the x86 part.
Use the Lint tool to find unused resources. Remove unused images, strings, XML, etc. Make sure there are no unused files for assets in the assets directory.
When generating the APK, the aapt tool itself will optimize the png, but before that, you can use other tools such as tinypng to further compress and preprocess the image.
jpeg is still png. Choose according to your needs. In some cases, jpeg can reduce the size of the picture. For 9.png images, the stretchable area should be cut as small as possible. In addition, you can avoid using the entire large image when using 9.png stretching to achieve the effect of large images.
provides the image resources of hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi selectively. It is recommended to provide xhdpi pictures first. For mdpi, ldpi and xxxhdpi can provide different parts as needed.
Reuse existing image resources as much as possible. For example, you only need to provide a symmetrical picture, and another picture can be implemented by code rotation.
Functions that can be implemented in code, try not to use a lot of pictures. For example, to reduce the use of multiple pictures to make an animation-list AnimationDrawable, this approach provides multiple pictures that take up a lot of space
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