We can convert given time to seconds in different formats here we acan find below way if the given time is minuts and seconds string then if given time in hours, minuts and seconds then
String time = "11:12"; //mm:ss
String[] timeinArray= time.split(":"); //will break the string up into an array
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(timeinArray[0]); //first element
int seconds = Integer.parseInt(timeinArray[1]); //second element
int duration = 60 * minutes + seconds; //add up our values
String time = "01:11:12"; //hh:mm:ss
String[] timeinArray= time.split(":"); //will break the string up into an array int
int hours = Integer.parseInt(timeinArray[0]); //first element int
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(timeinArray[1]); //second element
int seconds = Integer.parseInt(timeinArray[2]); //third element
int duration = 60 *60 * hours+60 * minutes + seconds; //add up our values
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