proc = {puts "hello world"} proc.class # rerturn 'Proc' lambdaWill check the number of parameters but procnot lam = lambda { |x| puts x} pro = {|x| puts x} def lambda_test lambda_test # puts 'hello' def proc_test proc_test # return nil hello
lambda = lambda {puts "hello world"}
lambda.class # return 'Proc'
As can be seen from the above, in fact, Proc and lambda are both Proc objects. # print 2 # Argument Error: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1),2) # Argument Error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) # print 2 # return nil,2) # print 1
lambda And proc the meaning of the 'return' key is not the same, but proc the return only call in the method body
lam = lambda { return }
puts "hello"
pro = {return}
puts 'hello'
Refer: What Is the Difference Between a Block, a Proc, and a Lambda in Ruby?
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