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Flutter Application Architecture - Application Folder Structure

In this section we will learn about flutter application architecture and flutter application folder strcuture. To understand flutter fully we need to understand the first Flutter folder structure.

Flutter folder structure
  • android - Auto generated source code to create android application

  •  ios - Auto generated source code to create ios application

  •  web- Auto generated source code to create web application

  • macos - Auto generated source code to create Macos application

  • linux - Auto generated source code to create linux application

  • lib - Main folder containing Dart code written using flutter framework

  •  lib/main.dart - Entry point of the Flutter application

  •  test - Folder containing Dart code to test the flutter application

  •  test/widget_test.dart - Sample code

  •  .gitignore - Git version control file

  •  .metadata - auto generated by the flutter tools

  •  .packages - auto generated to track the flutter packages

  •  .iml - project file used by Android studio

  •  pubspec.yaml - Used by Pub, Flutter package manager

  •  pubspec.lock - Auto generated by the Flutter package manager, Pub

  •  README.md - Project description file written in Markdown format


Flutter application Architecture

Let discuss about flutter application framework architecture


WE already know that the core concept of the Flutter framework is , Everything is a widget. Widgets are basically a user interface components used to create the user interface for the any flutter application. Basically in Flutter every application itself is a Widget. The application is the top level widget and it will create and render UI with child widgets. 

Flutter widget hierarchy
