C Program to Convert Temperature

In this C programming example we will learn how to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees.

Before write the program first we need to know the relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

The Mathematical formula is

Fahrenheit=Celsius +32


So now based on this formula we will write c program to convert temperature

In this Example we will Convert between given user input values start and end and the step number to increment the count.

take Celsius value which we need to take from user input and highest value upto which we need to convert

#include <stdio.h>
            #define LOWER_LIMIT 0
            #define HIGHER_LIMIT 1000
            int main(void) {
                double fahr, cel;
                int limit_low = -1;
                int limit_high = -1;
                    int step = -1;
                    int max_step_size = 0;
                    /* Read in lower, higher limit and step */
                    while(limit_low < (int) LOWER_LIMIT) {
            	        printf("Please enter a lower limit, limit >= %d: ", (int) LOWER_LIMIT);
                        scanf("%d", &limit_low);
                    while((limit_high <= limit_low) || (limit_high > (int) HIGHER_LIMIT)) {
                        printf("Please enter a higher limit, %d < limit <= %d: ", limit_low, (int) HIGHER_LIMIT);
                        scanf("%d", &limit_high);
                    max_step_size = limit_high - limit_low;
                    while((step <= 0|| (step > max_step_size)) {
                        printf("Please enter a increment step, 0 < step >= %d: ", max_step_size);
                        scanf("%d", &step);
                    /* Initialise Celsius-Variable */
                	    cel = limit_low;
                	    /* Print the Table */
                	    while(cel <= limit_high) {
                        fahr = (9.0 * cel) / 5.0 + 32.0;
                	        printf("%f\t%f\n", cel, fahr);
                        cel += step;
                    return 0;



Please enter a lower limit, limit >= 0: 50
Please enter a higher limit, 50 < limit <= 1000: 1000
Please enter a increment step, 0 < step >= 950: 100
Celsius        Fahrenheit
-------        ----------
50.000000    122.000000
150.000000    302.000000
250.000000    482.000000
350.000000    662.000000
450.000000    842.000000
550.000000    1022.000000
650.000000    1202.000000
750.000000    1382.000000
850.000000    1562.000000
950.000000    1742.000000


Conclusion: In this C program we learned how to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

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