Java BigInteger - How to Initialize BigInteger in Java

In the previous section, we learned about different data types like int, long, etc in Java. Using these data types we can store numbers of different ranges. For example int (-231 to 231-1), long (-263 to 263-1), etc.

In real-world applications, we may get use cases where we need to store large integers which int and long data types cannot handle. For example, the factorial of 21 is 51090942171709440000, which is too big for an int or long type to store

class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        long num = 51090942171709440000L;





Output: error: integer number too large

      long num = 51090942171709440000L;


In the above example, the value of num is greater than 263-1 (range of long data type). So it results in an error.


How to store large numbers in Java?

Java provides a class called BigInteger to handle large numbers. Let's learn how to store large integers using the

BigInteger class and perform different operations on them



The BigInteger is the class used for mathematical operations which involve very big integer calculations that are outside the limit of all available primitive data types.

1.1 Declaring a BigInteger

To declare the BigInteger variables we need to import the class BigInteger from java.math package.


BigInteger bigNum;



  • BigInteger: is the class name.
  • bigNum: is the name of the BigInteger variable


import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum; // declaring bigNum as BigInteger variable





To initialize a BigInteger variable, we can use the new keyword.


BigInteger bigNum = new BigInteger(str);



  • bigNum: is the variable name
  • str: is the value to be passed as an argument. It should be of string data type


import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str = "51090942171709440000";

        BigInteger bigNum = new BigInteger(str); // declaring bigNum as BigInteger variable and initializing it.









BigInteger Methods

In Java, arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) are not permitted with BigIntegers, we have to use methods of BigInteger class to do these arithmetic operations. Another important aspect of BigIntegers is that they are immutable. This means that you cannot change the stored value of a BigInteger object, instead, you need to assign the changed value to a new variable.

Let's see some of the methods of BigInteger.

2.1 Addition

The add() method performs the addition for the given two BigIntegers and returns the sum.



Here, bigNum1 and bigNum2 should be BigIntegers

import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum1 = new BigInteger("51090942171709440000");

        BigInteger bigNum2 = new BigInteger("2432902008176640000");

        BigInteger sum = bigNum1.add(bigNum2);


        System.out.println("Sum of the BigIntegers = " + sum);

        System.out.println("bigNum1 = " + bigNum1);

        System.out.println("bigNum2 = " + bigNum2);





Sum of the BigIntegers = 53523844179886080000

bigNum1 = 51090942171709440000

bigNum2 = 2432902008176640000


As we have learned earlier, the BigIntegers are immutable. From the above code we can see the BigIntegers are not changed, the add() method returned a new BigInteger which is stored in another BigInteger named as sum.


2.2 Subtraction

The subtract() method performs the subtraction for the given two BigIntegers and returns the difference.



Here, bigNum1 and bigNum2 should be BigIntegers



import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum1 = new BigInteger("51090942171709440000");

        BigInteger bigNum2 = new BigInteger("2432902008176640000");


        BigInteger difference = bigNum1.subtract(bigNum2);










2.3 Multiplication

The multiply() method performs the multiplication for the given two BigIntegers and returns the product.



Here, bigNum1 and bigNum2 should be BigIntegers.


import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum1 = new BigInteger("51090942171709440000");

        BigInteger bigNum2 = new BigInteger("2432902008176640000");


        BigInteger product = bigNum1.multiply(bigNum2);









2.4 Division

The divide() method performs the division for the given two BigIntegers and returns the quotient.



Here, bigNum1 and bigNum2 should be BigIntegers

import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum1 = new BigInteger("124299255809188481393766275481600000000");

        BigInteger bigNum2 = new BigInteger("2432902008176640000");


        BigInteger quotient = bigNum1.divide(bigNum2);









2.5 Exponentiation

The pow() method performs the exponentiation for the given BigInteger

It returns the result of the bigNumexponent





  • bigNum: should be a BigInteger
  • exponent: should be of int data type, exponent should be greater than or equal to 0. If the exponent is less than 0, then an error will be thrown




import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum = new BigInteger("632");

        int exp = 16;

        BigInteger power = bigNum.pow(exp); // gives result as (num)^exp











3. Type Conversions with BigIntegers

3.1 Converting Integers to BigInteger

The valueOf() method can be used to convert integers (i.e., int or long) values to a BigInteger. It accepts a single parameter and returns a BigInteger. We will learn more about Type Conversions later in the course.

The syntax for initializing a BigInteger variable using the valueOf() method is as follows:




Here, num is the number to be converted as a BigInteger. It should be of long data type. If an int data type is provided, it will be implicitly converted to long


import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int num = 2022;

        long longNum = 435468567463L;


        BigInteger bigNum1 = BigInteger.valueOf(num);

        BigInteger bigNum2 = BigInteger.valueOf(longNum);











3.2 Converting BigInteger to Integers or String

We can convert BigInteger to int, long, and String data types using the following methods,

  • intValue()

  • longValue()

  • doubleValue()

  • floatValue()

  • toString()

For all data types other than String, when converting BigIntegers to other data types, we must ensure that the number falls within the range of that data type (i.e., int, long, etc).


3.2.1 Converting BigInteger to int Type

We can use the intValue() method to convert a BigInteger to an int data type.





import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int num = 2022;

        BigInteger bigNum1 = BigInteger.valueOf(num);


        num = bigNum1.intValue();









In the above code, we can see that the int value is initially converted to BigInteger and later using the intValue() method the BigInteger is converted to int and assigned the int value to the variable num. Similarly, we can convert BigInteger to long, float, double, and String data types.

Let's look at the below example


import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String str = "45900";

        BigInteger bigNum1 = new BigInteger(str);


        str = bigNum1.toString();

        long longNum = bigNum1.longValue();

        float floatNum = bigNum1.floatValue();

        double doubleNum = bigNum1.doubleValue();















4. BigInteger Constants

The BigInteger class defines some constants for the ease of initialization.

  • BigInteger.ZERO: The BigInteger constant for 0

  • BigInteger.ONE: The BigInteger constant for 1

  • BigInteger.TWO: The BigInteger constant for 2

  • BigInteger.TEN: The BigInteger constant for 10

Let's look at defining the BigInteger variables using BigInteger constants



import java.math.BigInteger;


class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BigInteger bigNum0 = BigInteger.ZERO;

        BigInteger bigNum1 = BigInteger.ONE;

        BigInteger bigNum2 = BigInteger.TWO;

        BigInteger bigNum10 = BigInteger.TEN;















Instead of using a constructor new BigInteger(), we can directly assign these constants to BigInteger variables. We can use these constant values without defining them



  • The valueOf() method converts a long value to a BigInteger value and returns it.

  • BigInteger Methods:

    • add(): It performs the addition for the given two BigIntegers and returns the sum.

    • subtract(): It performs the subtraction for the given two BigIntegers and returns the difference.

    • multiply(): It performs the multiplication for the given two BigIntegers and returns the product.

    • divide(): It performs the division for the given two BigIntegers and returns the quotient.

    • pow(): It performs the exponentiation operation and returns the result.

  • Type Conversions with BigIntegers:

    • intValue(): It converts BigInteger to an int value and returns it.

    • longValue(): It converts BigInteger to a long value and returns it.

    • floatValue(): It converts BigInteger to a float value and returns it.

    • doubleValue(): It converts BigInteger to a double value and returns it.

    • toString(): It converts BigInteger to a String value and returns it.

  • BigInteger Constants:

    • BigInteger.ZERO: The BigInteger constant 0

    • BigInteger.ONE: The BigInteger constant 1

    • BigInteger.TWO: The BigInteger constant 2

BigInteger.TEN: The BigInteger constant 10