Python program to Get Prices of Products

products = {"Grape":5.9, "Guava": 4.5,
 "Mango":4.8, "Cashew":2.4,
 "Banana":3.0, "Pear": 5.8}
for pro, price in products.items():
 print(pro, " = ", price)
cost = 0
while True:
 pro = input("Select product (n=nothing): ")
 if pro == 'n':
 qty = int(input("Number of product? "))
 cost += products[pro]*qty
print("Price of product(s): ",cost)





Grape  =  5.9
Guava  =  4.5
Mango  =  4.8
Cashew  =  2.4
Banana  =  3.0
Pear  =  5.8
Select product (n=nothing): Banana
Number of product? 4
Select product (n=nothing): Guava
Number of product? 3
Select product (n=nothing): n
Price of product(s):  25.5

Process finished with exit code 0



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