Python program to remove special character from string/text

str = input("Insert some text with exclamation mark(!): \n")
symbols = ['!']
listitem = str.split()
x = 0
for i in listitem:
 if i[-1] in symbols:
  listitem[x] = i[:-1]
  i = listitem[x]
 if i[0] in symbols:
  listitem[x] = i[1:]
 x += 1
x = 0
while x < len(listitem):
 print(listitem[x], end=' ')
 x += 1
 if x%5 == 0:




Insert some text with exclamation mark(!):
Hurrey! There was an amazing win for them, Is It!
Hurrey There was an amazing
win for them, Is It

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