What is Flutter? What can Flutter do? What types of applications can Flutter build? Who created Flutter? Does Flutter come with a framework? Does Flutter have its own set of widgets? Does Flutter come with a testing framework? We use the test function to test our SDK and measure the test coverage for each submission What technology does Flutter use? How does Flutter run my code on Android? How does Flutter run my code on iOS? What operating systems can I use to build Flutter applications? What language is Flutter developed in? How does the Flutter application perform? How is the Flutter development experience? How long is it between editing and refreshing? Flutter's hot reloading is stateful , which means that the application state is retained after reloading. So you can quickly iterate through the various pages in your application without having to start over from the home screen after each reload. How is Hot Reload different from a Full Restart? What device and operating system versions does Flutter support? Mobile hardware: 64-bit iOS devices (starting with iPhone 5S and newer iPhone models) and ARM Android devices Why is flutter APK or IPA so big? Also, be sure to use the Flutter tool to create a release version of the APK or IPA. The release version is usually much smaller than the debug version
Flutter is a mobile application SDK that includes frameworks, widgets, and tools, providing developers with a simple and efficient way to build and deploy beautiful mobile applications on Android and iOS.
For users, Flutter can make the application interface beautiful and vivid
Flutter is optimized for 2D mobile applications that want to run on Android and iOS. You can use Flutter to build full-featured applications, including cameras, geolocation, networking, storage, third-party SDKs, and more
Flutter is an open source project with contributions from Google and the community
Yes! Flutter uses modern frameworks inspired by React. Flutter's framework is designed to be layered and customizable (optional). Developers can choose to use only part of the framework or a different framework
It is! Flutter with a set of high-quality Material Design and Cupertino (iOS style) of the widget, including both layout and theme. Of course, these widgets are just a starting point. Flutter is designed to make it easy for you to create your own widgets, or customize existing widgets
Yes, Flutter provides APIs for writing unit and integration tests. Learn more about Flutter testing .
Flutter is built using C, C ++, Dart, and Skia (2D rendering engine). See this architecture diagram to better understand the major components
The C / C ++ code of the engine is compiled with Android's NDK, and any Dart code is AOT compiled into native code. Flutter applications run using a native instruction set (without involving the interpreter)
The C / C ++ code of the engine is compiled using LLVM, and any Dart code is AOT compiled into native code. Flutter applications run using a native instruction set (without involving the interpreter)
Flutter supports development on Linux, Mac, and Windows
We studied a lot of languages ??and runtimes, and eventually adopted Dart as the language of the development framework and widget. The underlying graphics framework and Dart virtual machine are implemented in C / C ++
The Flutter application performs very well. Flutter is designed to help developers easily achieve a constant 60fps. Flutter applications run through natively compiled code-no interpreter is involved. This means that Flutter applications can be launched and executed quickly
Flutter implements a hot-reload development cycle. You can implement sub-second overloading on your device or simulator.
Hot Reload works by injecting updated source code files into a running Dart VM (virtual machine). This includes not only adding new classes, but also adding methods and fields to existing classes, and changing existing functions. Although there are several types of code changes that cannot be hot restarted:
Mobile operating system: Android Jelly Bean, v16, 4.1.x or later and iOS 8 or later.
Generally, resources include images, sound files, fonts, etc. These are the majority of APK or IPA. Various tools in the Android and iOS ecosystem can help you understand what's in the APK or IPA.
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Flutter Questions and Answers
How to deactivate back button in flutter?
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How do i make circular icon Inside Button ?
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How to convert a String value to double in flutter?
How to Close Flutter application Programmatically?
How can i use hexadecimal color code in Flutter?
How to create Toast in Flutter?
How can i get document id in Flutter Firestore?
How to fix Flutter: error:MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method)
How to remove Yellow lines under Text Widgets in Flutter?
How to set the TextFormField/TextField border color
What corresponds to Intent in Flutter?
How to check the given value is a number or not in dart?
Vertical Divider is Not Showing in my Flutter Application
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How to remove debug banner in flutter?
How to make shadow for Container widget Flutter?
How to handle Scaffold.of() called with a context that does not contain a Scaffold exception?
How to create Gradient background for AppBar in Flutter
How to handle the code after showDialog is dismissed in Flutter?
What is Flutter?
How to display snackbar infinite duration in a flutter application
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