Flutter Color Picker - Flutter Material Color Picker Example

Last updated Apr 23, 2021

In this post we are going to learn how to show color picker in Flutter, To select colors in flutter application we are going to use flutter_colorPicker plugin which will give us option to choose a color from the color pallette. In this flutter color picker example we are going to show 3 types of color picker dialogs. HSV, Material Color Picker and Block Color picker.


Let's Get Started

Step 1: Create Flutter Application

Step 2: Add  required Dependencies

Add flutter_colorpicker dependencies in pubspec.yaml file

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_colorpicker: ^0.3.2


Step 3: Create Dart file and update below code

class ColorPickerWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  State createState() => ColorPickerWidgetState();

class ColorPickerWidgetState extends State {
  Color currentColor = Colors.amber;

  void changeColor(Color color) => setState(() => currentColor = color);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return DefaultTabController(
      length: 3,
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Flutter Color Picker Example'),
          bottom: TabBar(
            tabs: [
              const Tab(text: 'HSV'),
              const Tab(text: 'Material'),
              const Tab(text: 'Block'),
        body: TabBarView(
          physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
          children: [
              child: RaisedButton(
                elevation: 3.0,
                onPressed: () {
                    context: context,
                    builder: (BuildContext context) {
                      return AlertDialog(
                        titlePadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                        contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                        content: SingleChildScrollView(
                          child: ColorPicker(
                                pickerColor: currentColor,
                              onColorChanged: changeColor,
                              colorPickerWidth: 300.0,
                              pickerAreaHeightPercent: 0.7,
                              enableAlpha: true,
                              displayThumbColor: true,
                              showLabel: true,
                              paletteType: PaletteType.hsv,
                              pickerAreaBorderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
                              topLeft: const Radius.circular(2.0),
                              topRight: const Radius.circular(2.0),
                child: const Text('Change me'),
                color: currentColor,
                textColor: useWhiteForeground(currentColor)
                    ? const Color(0xffffffff)
                    : const Color(0xff000000),
              child: RaisedButton(
                elevation: 3.0,
                onPressed: () {
                    context: context,
                    builder: (BuildContext context) {
                      return AlertDialog(
                        titlePadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                        contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                        content: SingleChildScrollView(
                          child: MaterialPicker(
                            pickerColor: currentColor,
                            onColorChanged: changeColor,
                            enableLabel: true,
                child: const Text('Change me'),
                color: currentColor,
                textColor: useWhiteForeground(currentColor)
                    ? const Color(0xffffffff)
                    : const Color(0xff000000),
              child: RaisedButton(
                elevation: 3.0,
                onPressed: () {
                    context: context,
                    builder: (BuildContext context) {
                      return AlertDialog(
                        title: Text('Select a color'),
                        content: SingleChildScrollView(
                          child: BlockPicker(
                            pickerColor: currentColor,
                            onColorChanged: changeColor,
                child: const Text('Change me'),
                color: currentColor,
                textColor: useWhiteForeground(currentColor)
                    ? const Color(0xffffffff)
                    : const Color(0xff000000),


on button press alert dialog will open and show the colors

  context: context,
  builder: (BuildContext context) {
    return AlertDialog(
      titlePadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
      contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
      content: SingleChildScrollView(
        child: ColorPicker(
              pickerColor: currentColor,
            onColorChanged: changeColor,
            colorPickerWidth: 300.0,
            pickerAreaHeightPercent: 0.7,
            enableAlpha: true,
            displayThumbColor: true,
            showLabel: true,
            paletteType: PaletteType.hsv,
            pickerAreaBorderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
            topLeft: const Radius.circular(2.0),
            topRight: const Radius.circular(2.0),


Step 4: Update main dart file with below code

void main() {
      title: 'Flutter Example',
      theme: ThemeData(primaryColor: Colors.pink),
      home: ColorPickerWidget(),


Step 5: Run Application

Flutter Color Picker


Flutter Material Color Picker


Flutter Color Picker


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