Python - Ranking Rows of Pandas DataFrame

Last updated Dec 31, 2021

Python is a powerful language for data analysis because it has a great community of programs that work with data. Pandas is one of these packages, making it much easier to import and analyze data.

Pandas Dataframe.rank() method is used to return the rank of each index in the series given.  The ranking is performed based on sorting.


How to Rank Rows of Pandas DataFrame

To rank the  rows  of the Pandas DataFrame,  we use the following  syntax


DataFrame.rank(axis=0, na_option=’keep’, numeric_only=None, method=’average’, pct=False, ascending=True)



Now let’s  create a sample  DataFrame  of  different variables and rank them based on their ratings

import pandas as pd

games = {'Name': ['Call Of Duty', 'Total Overdose', 'GTA 3', 'Bully'],

         'Play Time(in hours)': ['45', '46', '52', '22'],

         'Rate': ['Better than Average', 'Good', 'Best', 'Average']}

df = pd.DataFrame(games)

df['ranking'] = df['Play Time(in hours)'].rank(ascending=0)


print("Hello World!");




Python Tkinter Ranking Rows



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