Python Tkinter – How to position a topLevel() widget relative to the root window?

Last updated Dec 31, 2021

Tkinter's top-level widget is used to build a popup modal window. The popup window created by the top-level window has the same appearance as the default in the tkinter program. If you want to incorporate widgets, you may do so by including text widgets, button widgets, a frame, and other components.

Having the top-level window resizable enables you to change its size and location on the screen. Widgets are always on top of other windows when you open a new one on the top level.

Winfo x() and Winfo y() are two ways to get the root window's position in the system (). The top-level widget may then be repositioned in relation to the root window using the geometry approach. Because the top-level widgets are positioned relative to the root window, they are distinct from one another. Let's have a look at the following code snippet


from tkinter import *

win = Tk()


win.title("Main Window")

top = Toplevel(win)


Label(top, text= "A Toplevel window here", font="Calibri, 12").pack()

x = win.winfo_x()

y = win.winfo_y()

top.geometry("+%d+%d" %(x+200,y+200))





When you execute this code, two windows will appear on your screen: a parent window and a top level window


Tkinter Python toplevel widget



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