What is PanedWindow in Python Tkinter

Last updated Dec 16, 2021

The Tkinter PanedWindow widget is used to divide a window or a frame space. Generally, the PanedWindow is a frame that acts as a container for grouping, organizing, and holding smaller widgets.

A PanedWindow generally holds both the horizontal and vertical stacks of the child widgets. A sash, typically a bar with a scrolling square, divides the frame or the window in the frame window. A user can resize the child widgets to the desired sizes using the sash.


How Does PanedWindow Work?

To create a panedWindow widget, you should follow the following simple syntax:

ttk.PanedWindow(container, **options)


Options for Paned Windows

The following are the most common options used when creating the panedWindows:

  • Bg-  defines the widget's background color.

  • Bd- defines the width of the widger's border.

  • Borderwidth- determines the width of the widget's border.

  • Pointer- specifies how the cursor behaves when hovering over a widget.

  • Handlepad- sets the distance between the handle and the end of the sash.

  • Handlesize- defines the handle's size.

  • Height- determines the widget's height.

  • Relief-The sort of border is specified by this option. The flat value is the default.

  • Sashpad - defines the padding that should be done around each sash.

  • Sashrelief- establishes the sort of border surrounding each sash.

  • Sashwidth- specifies the sash's width.

  • Showhandle- If set to true, Showhandle shows handles.

  • Width- specifies the widget's width.An Example of PanedWindow Options


An Example of PanedWindow

from tkinter import *

from tkinter import ttk

root = Tk()

pw = PanedWindow(orient ='vertical')

top = ttk.Button(pw, text ="Click here !\n Mr Programmer")

top.pack(side = TOP)


bot = Checkbutton(pw, text ="Check here")

bot.pack(side = TOP)


label = Label(pw, text ="Programming scene")

label.pack(side = TOP)


string = StringVar()

entry = Entry(pw, textvariable = string, font =('arial', 45, 'bold'))




pw.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True)

pw.configure(sashrelief = RAISED)




How to use PanedWindow in python tkinter


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