CSS Introduction - What is CSS in HTML?

CSS is a Cascaded Style Sheet. It provides style to the HTML page. A cascading style sheet defines the type and aesthetic of a markup document. CSS is used alongside HTML to adjust user interface and web page styles.

CSS exists to style your HTML — to present your content. The language of Cascading Style Sheets is somewhat different to HTML but it remains simple and straightforward


CSS was introduced in 1994 by Hakon Wium Lie. CSS is easy to learn, yet it controls the display of HTML content.

  • It specifies how HTML tags, elements, or attributes appear on the screen.
  • Its benefits include saving time, offline browsing, and fast page load.
  • The latest version of CSS is CSS3.
  • It works with SVG, XUL, and plain XML.

In this tutorial we will cover A step-by-step guide to CSS basics

Uses of the CSS

  • We can style outdated HTML documents.
  • We can adjust our website's look and feel with CSS code.
  • A cascading style sheet can be combined with JavaScript and HTML on most websites to design user interfaces for mobile and web apps.


Feature of CSS

CSS's Web design benefits: To be a competent web designer, you must know CSS and HTML.

Web design With CSS, we can control text color, font style, paragraph spacing, column size and style, background color, and pictures. We can work on the layout design, display variants for different screen and device sizes, and several other effects.

Web Control: CSS controls HTML documents and is easy to learn. It's HTML and XHTML compatible.

After learning CSS and HTML foundations, JavaScript, Angular and PHP become easier to understand.


Some CSS applications:

  • Faster page loading: CSS eliminates the need to repeat HTML element attributes. We must declare one CSS rule per element and utilize it everywhere. Thus, short code means fast downloads.
  • Easy and simple maintenance: To make global changes, change the style. Every element on all web pages is updated.
  • Superior HTML Styles: HTML has fewer extended attribute arrays than CSS. Therefore, we can provide a clearer view of our HTML page than HTML attributes.
  • Time-saving: We can declare CSS once and repeat it in HTML pages. Every HTML tag can have its style, which can be applied to as many web pages as desired.
  • Platform independent: CSS allows content to be updated for several devices. Versions of the webpage might be made for cell phones, PDAs, and printing.
  • Compatibility: HTML attributes are becoming deprecated, and suggested to use CSS instead. Thus, using CSS in every HTML page will make them compatible with future browsers.


CSS benefits

  • Time-saving CSS. CSS can be written and used in HTML pages. Define styles for HTML elements and apply them as needed.
  • CSS speeds up page load and download. CSS doesn't require creating HTML tag attributes each time; only one CSS rule per tag is needed. Less coding means faster page loads.
  • HTML's attributes are narrower than CSS's. They make HTML pages look better than attributes. CSS is better than HTML.
  • CSS's style can be readily implemented across sites, and one instruction can handle several sections. It extends the styles.
  • CSS makes website building easy and website maintenance, as one line of code is sufficient for the entire website, saving maintenance time.
  • CSS needs less effort and helps make quick selections.
  • CSS is device-friendly and offers responsive web design, which is a major advantage in today's world of smart devices.
  • CSS can reposition website elements, i.e., change their position.
  • CSS simplifies website customization. It reduces file size.


CSS cons

  • CSS1-CS3 are common CSS drawbacks. Developers, browsers, and consumers are often confused. This makes choosing a level difficult.
  • CSS works with one browser but not necessarily another. Before launching a website, developers do a compatibility test to ensure it works across browsers.
  • CSS doesn't have much security because it's an open text-based system; anyone with rights can update or modify the CSS file, links, or format. This is bad.
  • Internet Explorer and Opera support CSS logic. CSS can cause browser problems.
  • Multiple CSS levels can confuse users and non-developers.


There are three types of css are working

  • Inline CSS
  • Internal or Embedded CSS
  • External CSS

we will learn all these types and how use them in coming sections.


How to Learn CSS?

It is very to Learn css as like HTML.

Without CSS we can learn HTML, but with HTML there is no use of CSS.

So before going to learn CSS we must need HTML basics


This CSS tutorial section we coveres what is CSS? History of CSS, Use of CSS. To Learn css you can go this complete css tutorial or you can learn by any youtube videos or any Paid online/offline courses. 

You can search youtube videos by typing like what is css, css tutorial in hindi, css tutorial in telugu, kya hi css, css kya hi.



CSS is essential to web development. Web development is impossible without CSS. CSS may seem complex at first, but after learning, practicing, and grasping the fundamentals. CSS is straightforward to use. In this introduction we covered what is CSS in html, css benfits and cons of css.

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