Ruby - Loops
Loops in Ruby are used to execute the same block of code a specified number of times. This chapter details all the loop statements supported by Ruby.
while conditional [do]
Executes code while conditional is true. A while loop's conditional is separated from code by the reserved word do, a newline, backslash \, or a semicolon ;.
$i = 0 while $i < $num do |
Inside the loop i = 0
Inside the loop i = 1
Inside the loop i = 2
Inside the loop i = 3
Inside the loop i = 4
code while condition
end while conditional
Executes code while conditional is true.
If a while modifier follows a begin statement with no rescue or ensure clauses, code is executed once before conditional is evaluated.
$i = 0
$num = 5
puts("Inside the loop i = #$i" )
$i +=1
end while $i < $num
Inside the loop i = 0
Inside the loop i = 1
Inside the loop i = 2
Inside the loop i = 3
Inside the loop i = 4
Ruby until Statement
until conditional [do]
Executes code while conditional is false. An until statement's conditional is separated from code by the reserved word do, a newline, or a semicolon.
$i = 0
$num = 5
until $i > $num do
puts("Inside the loop i = #$i" )
$i +=1;
Inside the loop i = 0
Inside the loop i = 1
Inside the loop i = 2
Inside the loop i = 3
Inside the loop i = 4
Inside the loop i = 5
code until conditional
end until conditional
Executes code while conditional is false.
If an until modifier follows a begin statement with no rescue or ensure clauses, code is executed once before conditional is evaluated.
$i = 0
$num = 5
puts("Inside the loop i = #$i" )
$i +=1;
end until $i > $num
Inside the loop i = 0
Inside the loop i = 1
Inside the loop i = 2
Inside the loop i = 3
Inside the loop i = 4
Inside the loop i = 5
for variable [, variable ...] in expression [do]
Executes code once for each element in expression.
for i in 0..5
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Here, we have defined the range 0..5. The statement for i in 0..5 will allow i to take values in the range from 0 to 5 (including 5). This will produce the following result −
Value of local variable is 0
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
Value of local variable is 3
Value of local variable is 4
Value of local variable is 5
A loop is almost exactly equivalent to the following
(expression).each do |variable[, variable...]| code end
except that a for loop doesn't create a new scope for local variables. A for loop's expression is separated from code by the reserved word do, a newline, or a semicolon.
(0..5).each do |i|
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Value of local variable is 0
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
Value of local variable is 3
Value of local variable is 4
Value of local variable is 5
break |
Terminates the most internal loop. Terminates a method with an associated block if called within the block (with the method returning nil).
for i in 0..5
if i > 2 then
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Value of local variable is 0
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
next |
Jumps to the next iteration of the most internal loop. Terminates execution of a block if called within a block (with yield or call returning nil).
for i in 0..5
if i < 2 then
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Value of local variable is 2
Value of local variable is 3
Value of local variable is 4
Value of local variable is 5
redo |
Restarts this iteration of the most internal loop, without checking loop condition. Restarts yield or call if called within a block.
for i in 0..5
if i < 2 then
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Value of local variable is 0
Value of local variable is 0
Ruby retry Statement
retry |
If retry appears in rescue clause of begin expression, restart from the beginning of the begin body.
do_something # exception raised
# handles error
retry # restart from beginning
If retry appears in the iterator, the block, or the body of the for expression, restarts the invocation of the iterator call. Arguments to the iterator is re-evaluated.
for i in 1..5
retry if some_condition # restart from i == 1
for i in 0..5
retry if i > 2
puts "Value of local variable is #{i}"
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
Value of local variable is 1
Value of local variable is 2
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