Bank Management System Project with C++
Published January 09, 2022In this C++ Projects we are going to create C++ Bank Management System. This BMS is a console based application which can be used by Customers for Bank Related Transactions. It is a very simplified application and is very user friendly. We developed this project under Codeblocks editor. This Bank Management System project consist of below modules
- Create New Bank Account
- Deposit Amount to the Account
- Withdraw amount from your account
- Check Balance Inquiry
- Display All Account Holders List
- Update Bank Account
- Close Account
This C++ Bank Management System projects will be useful for academic engineers, student like CBSE board student who want to create their Mini Projects for respected academic year.
Let's create s C++ Project in Codeblocks IDE
Step 1: Launch Codeblocks IDE and Create New Project
It will launch below window, select Console Application and click Finish
Click Finish
Select C++ from the list
Now Enter Project name C++ Bank Management System and select destination path of the project and click Next
To run C++ code first we need to compile the code, to compile the c++ code we will select GNU compiler for this project and click finish
Now your c++ Bank Management System project will created
Step 2: Create a Account class to handle the Bank Account
This Account class contains properties like acno,name, deposit and type of account
and declare functions to add each module functionality
Step 3: Create Account
This Module will create an account. We will ask user to enter hie account No, Account Holder Name, Account type (Current/savings) and deposit amount.
void write_account()
account ac;
ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::app);
outFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account));
Step 4: Deposit and Withdraw Amount
void deposit_withdraw(int n, int option) { int amt; bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat", ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) {<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); if(option==1) { cout<<"\n\n\tTO DEPOSITE AMOUNT "; cout<<"\n\nEnter The amount to be deposited"; cin>>amt; ac.dep(amt); } if(option==2) { cout<<"\n\n\tTO WITHDRAW AMOUNT "; cout<<"\n\nEnter The amount to be withdraw"; cin>>amt; int bal=ac.retdeposit()-amt; if((bal<500 && ac.rettype()=='S') || (bal<1000 && ac.rettype()=='C')) cout<<"Insufficience balance"; else ac.draw(amt); } int pos=(-1)*static_cast<int>(sizeof(ac)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<"\n\n\t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<"\n\n Record Not Found "; } |
Step 6: Check Balance Inquiry
void display_sp(int n) { account ac; bool flag=false; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<"\nBALANCE DETAILS\n"; while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); flag=true; } } inFile.close(); if(flag==false) cout<<"\n\nAccount number does not exist"; } |
Step 7: Display All Bank Account Holders list
void display_all() { account ac; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<"\n\n\t\tACCOUNT HOLDER LIST\n\n"; cout<<"====================================================\n"; cout<<"A/c no. NAME Type Balance\n"; cout<<"====================================================\n"; while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) {; } inFile.close(); } |
Step 8: Modify Account
void modify_account(int n) { bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) {<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); cout<<"\n\nEnter The New Details of account"<<endl; ac.modify(); int pos=(-1)*static_cast<int>(sizeof(account)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<"\n\n\t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<"\n\n Record Not Found "; } |
Step 9: Close an Account
void delete_account(int n) { account ac; ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; }"Temp.dat",ios::binary); inFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()!=n) { outFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); remove("account.dat"); rename("Temp.dat","account.dat"); cout<<"\n\n\tRecord Deleted .."; } |
Step 10: Now create a Menu in main.cpp file to execute all above functions
int main() { char ch; int num; intro(); do { system("cls"); cout<<"\n\n\n\tMAIN MENU"; cout<<"\n\n\t01. NEW ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t02. DEPOSIT AMOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t03. WITHDRAW AMOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t04. BALANCE ENQUIRY"; cout<<"\n\n\t05. ALL ACCOUNT HOLDER LIST"; cout<<"\n\n\t06. CLOSE AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t07. MODIFY AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t08. EXIT"; cout<<"\n\n\tSelect Your Option (1-8) "; cin>>ch; system("cls"); switch(ch) { case '1': write_account(); break; case '2': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 1); break; case '3': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 2); break; case '4': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; display_sp(num); break; case '5': display_all(); break; case '6': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; delete_account(num); break; case '7': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; modify_account(num); break; case '8': cout<<"\n\n\tThanks for using bank managemnt system"; break; default :cout<<"\a"; } cin.ignore(); cin.get(); }while(ch!='8'); return 0; } |
Complete code for C++ Bank Management System project
#include <iostream> #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cctype> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; void write_account(); //function to write record in binary file void display_sp(int); //function to display account details given by user void modify_account(int); //function to modify record of file void delete_account(int); //function to delete record of file void display_all(); //function to display all account details void deposit_withdraw(int, int); // function to desposit/withdraw amount for given account void intro(); //introductory screen function int main() { char ch; int num; intro(); do { system("cls"); cout<<"\n\n\n\tMAIN MENU"; cout<<"\n\n\t01. NEW ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t02. DEPOSIT AMOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t03. WITHDRAW AMOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t04. BALANCE ENQUIRY"; cout<<"\n\n\t05. ALL ACCOUNT HOLDER LIST"; cout<<"\n\n\t06. CLOSE AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t07. MODIFY AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\n\t08. EXIT"; cout<<"\n\n\tSelect Your Option (1-8) "; cin>>ch; system("cls"); switch(ch) { case '1': write_account(); break; case '2': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 1); break; case '3': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 2); break; case '4': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; display_sp(num); break; case '5': display_all(); break; case '6': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; delete_account(num); break; case '7': cout<<"\n\n\tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; modify_account(num); break; case '8': cout<<"\n\n\tThanks for using bank managemnt system"; break; default :cout<<"\a"; } cin.ignore(); cin.get(); }while(ch!='8'); return 0; } //*************************************************************** // function to write in file //**************************************************************** class account { int acno; char name[50]; int deposit; char type; public: void create_account(); //function to get data from user void show_account() const; //function to show data on screen void modify(); //function to add new data void dep(int); //function to accept amount and add to balance amount void draw(int); //function to accept amount and subtract from balance amount void report() const; //function to show data in tabular format int retacno() const; //function to return account number int retdeposit() const; //function to return balance amount char rettype() const; //function to return type of account }; //class ends here void account::create_account() { cout<<"\nEnter The account No. :"; cin>>acno; cout<<"\n\nEnter The Name of The account Holder : "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(name,50); cout<<"\nEnter Type of The account (C/S) : "; cin>>type; type=toupper(type); cout<<"\nEnter The Initial amount(>=500 for Saving and >=1000 for current ) : "; cin>>deposit; cout<<"\n\n\nAccount Created.."; } void account::show_account() const { cout<<"\nAccount No. : "<<acno; cout<<"\nAccount Holder Name : "; cout<<name; cout<<"\nType of Account : "<<type; cout<<"\nBalance amount : "<<deposit; } void account::modify() { cout<<"\nAccount No. : "<<acno; cout<<"\nModify Account Holder Name : "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(name,50); cout<<"\nModify Type of Account : "; cin>>type; type=toupper(type); cout<<"\nModify Balance amount : "; cin>>deposit; } void account::dep(int x) { deposit+=x; } void account::draw(int x) { deposit-=x; } void account::report() const { cout<<acno<<setw(10)<<" "<<name<<setw(10)<<" "<<type<<setw(6)<<deposit<<endl; } int account::retacno() const { return acno; } int account::retdeposit() const { return deposit; } char account::rettype() const { return type; } void write_account() { account ac; ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::app); ac.create_account(); outFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); outFile.close(); } //*************************************************************** // function to read specific record from file //**************************************************************** void display_sp(int n) { account ac; bool flag=false; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<"\nBALANCE DETAILS\n"; while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); flag=true; } } inFile.close(); if(flag==false) cout<<"\n\nAccount number does not exist"; } //*************************************************************** // function to modify record of file //**************************************************************** void modify_account(int n) { bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) {<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); cout<<"\n\nEnter The New Details of account"<<endl; ac.modify(); int pos=(-1)*static_cast<int>(sizeof(account)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<"\n\n\t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<"\n\n Record Not Found "; } //*************************************************************** // function to delete record of file //**************************************************************** void delete_account(int n) { account ac; ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; }"Temp.dat",ios::binary); inFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()!=n) { outFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); remove("account.dat"); rename("Temp.dat","account.dat"); cout<<"\n\n\tRecord Deleted .."; } //*************************************************************** // function to display all accounts deposit list //**************************************************************** void display_all() { account ac; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<"\n\n\t\tACCOUNT HOLDER LIST\n\n"; cout<<"====================================================\n"; cout<<"A/c no. NAME Type Balance\n"; cout<<"====================================================\n"; while(<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account))) {; } inFile.close(); } //*************************************************************** // function to deposit and withdraw amounts //**************************************************************** void deposit_withdraw(int n, int option) { int amt; bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat", ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) {<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); if(option==1) { cout<<"\n\n\tTO DEPOSITE AMOUNT "; cout<<"\n\nEnter The amount to be deposited"; cin>>amt; ac.dep(amt); } if(option==2) { cout<<"\n\n\tTO WITHDRAW AMOUNT "; cout<<"\n\nEnter The amount to be withdraw"; cin>>amt; int bal=ac.retdeposit()-amt; if((bal<500 && ac.rettype()=='S') || (bal<1000 && ac.rettype()=='C')) cout<<"Insufficience balance"; else ac.draw(amt); } int pos=(-1)*static_cast<int>(sizeof(ac)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast<char *> (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<"\n\n\t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<"\n\n Record Not Found "; } //*************************************************************** // INTRODUCTION FUNCTION //**************************************************************** void intro() { cout<<"\n\n\n\t BANK"; cout<<"\n\n\tMANAGEMENT"; cout<<"\n\n\t SYSTEM"; cout<<"\n\n\n\nMADE BY : RRTutors"; cout<<"\n\n Bank : Bank Of RRT"; cin.get(); } |
Conclusion: In this C++ Project tutorial we create bank management System Project with Add account, display balance, modify account, close bank account features.
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