What is String and String programming examples

Last updated Mar 14, 2021

What is String,  String is a data type which is a sequence of characters which will enclosed in between pair of double quotation or pair of single quotation is called string. This sequence of characters can also contains spaces,numbers, special characters...

Example, the word "tajmahal" and the phrase "Tajmahal is the 1 of the world wonders list" are both strings. Even "12345" could be considered a string, We all are know we can create a variable with string type and each string is a sequence of characters which will enclosed in between pair of double quotation or pair of single quotation is called string in PHP. So we need to find the how many characters contains in a string.

In this post we are clearing a technical definition of String, and String examples in different programming languages like C, C++, Java, PHP, Python...


Different String programming examples

Concatenate String in Python Example

Stirng Index out of range error python

Python remove last character from string

Python string replace regular expression

How to Split Python Stirng

Python string tutorial for beginners

C Program to reverse a line string

C Program to strcpy function

Java example to convert input stream to string

How to Split String in Java

Ruby example to reverse a String

Convert String to char array in c++ example

PHP String parser example

Find String length in PHP

How to remove white spaces from string in PHP

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How to Convert String to double in flutter

How to Convert base64 String into image

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