In this C projects source code series we are going to create a Telecom Billing System. It has similar functions like the telecom companies, you have the operations like to add a record with name, phone number, and amount of payment. The user is also allowed to do payments by providing a phone number instead of a name. The file handling method is used for the data storage purpose in this project.
The user can insert, list, search and delete the record when it is required. It is built using the Code:: Blocks with GCC compiler, and you cannot execute them in Turbo C
//-PRORAMMING MADE SIMPLE #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<windows.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct subscriber { char phonenumber[20]; char name[50]; float amount; }s; void addrecords(); void listrecords(); void modifyrecords(); void deleterecords(); void searchrecords(); void payment(); char get; int main() { int password; int phonenumber; char choice; system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n**************************************************************"); printf("\n\t\t------WELCOME TO THE TELECOM BILLING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM---"); printf("\n\t\t****************************************************************"); Sleep(2000); getch(); system("cls"); while (1) { system("cls"); printf("\n Enter\n A : for adding new records.\n L : for list of records"); printf("\n M : for modifying records.\n P : for payment"); printf("\n S : for searching records."); printf("\n D : for deleting records.\n E : for exit\n"); choice=getche(); choice=toupper(choice); switch(choice) { case 'P': payment();break; case 'A': addrecords();break; case 'L': listrecords();break; case 'M': modifyrecords();break; case 'S': searchrecords();break; case 'D': deleterecords();break; case 'E': system("cls"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tTHANK YOU"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n:\n\tFOR USING OUR SERVICE"); Sleep(2000); exit(0); break; default: system("cls"); printf("Incorrect Input"); printf("\nAny key to continue"); getch(); } } } void addrecords() { FILE *f; char test; f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","ab+"); if(f==0) { f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","wb+"); system("cls"); printf("please wait while we configure your computer"); printf("/npress any key to continue"); getch(); } while(1) { system("cls"); printf("\n Enter phone number:"); scanf("%s",&s.phonenumber); printf("\n Enter name:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",&; printf("\n Enter amount:"); scanf("%f",&s.amount); fwrite(&s,sizeof(s),1,f); fflush(stdin); system("cls"); printf("1 record successfully added"); printf("\n Press esc key to exit, any other key to add other record:"); test=getche(); if(test==27) break; } fclose(f); } void listrecords() { FILE *f; int i; if((f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","rb"))==NULL) exit(0); system("cls"); printf("Phone Number\t\tUser Name\t\t\tAmount\n"); for(i=0;i<79;i++) printf("-"); while(fread(&s,sizeof(s),1,f)==1) { printf("\n%-10s\t\t%-20s\t\tRs. %.2f /-",s.phonenumber,,s.amount); } printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<79;i++) printf("-"); fclose(f); getch(); } void deleterecords() { FILE *f,*t; int i=1; char phonenumber[20]; if((t=fopen("c:/temp.ojs","w+"))==NULL) exit(0); if((f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","rb"))==NULL) exit(0); system("cls"); printf("Enter the phone number to be deleted from the Database"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",phonenumber); while(fread(&s,sizeof(s),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(s.phonenumber,phonenumber)==0) { i=0; continue; } else fwrite(&s,sizeof(s),1,t); } if(i==1) { system("cls"); printf("Phone number \"%s\" not found",phonenumber); remove("c:/file.ojs"); rename("c:/temp.ojs","c:/file.ojs"); getch(); fclose(f); fclose(t); main(); } remove("c:/file.ojs"); rename("c:/temp.ojs","c:/file.ojs"); system("cls"); printf("The Number %s Successfully Deleted!!!!",phonenumber); fclose(f); fclose(t); getch(); } void searchrecords() { FILE *f; char phonenumber[20]; int flag=1; f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","rb+"); if(f==0) exit(0); fflush(stdin); system("cls"); printf("Enter Phone Number to search in our database"); scanf("%s", phonenumber); while(fread(&s,sizeof(s),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(s.phonenumber,phonenumber)==0) { system("cls"); printf(" Record Found "); printf("\n\nPhonenumber: %s\nName: %s\nAmount: Rs.%0.2f\n",s.phonenumber,,s.amount); flag=0; break; } else if(flag==1) { system("cls"); printf("Requested Phone Number Not found in our database"); } } getch(); fclose(f); } void modifyrecords() { FILE *f; char phonenumber[20]; long int size=sizeof(s); if((f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","rb+"))==NULL) exit(0); system("cls"); printf("Enter phone number of the subscriber to modify:"); scanf("%[^\n]",phonenumber); fflush(stdin); while(fread(&s,sizeof(s),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(s.phonenumber,phonenumber)==0) { system("cls"); printf("\n Enter phone number:"); scanf("%s",&s.phonenumber); printf("\n Enter name: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",&; printf("\n Enter amount: "); scanf("%f",&s.amount); fseek(f,-size,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&s,sizeof(s),1,f); break; } } fclose(f); } void payment() { FILE *f; char phonenumber[20]; long int size=sizeof(s); float amt; int i; if((f=fopen("c:/file.ojs","rb+"))==NULL) exit(0); system("cls"); printf("Enter phone number of the subscriber for payment"); scanf("%[^\n]",phonenumber); fflush(stdin); while(fread(&s,sizeof(s),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(s.phonenumber,phonenumber)==0) { system("cls"); printf("\n Phone No.: %s",s.phonenumber); printf("\n Name: %s",; printf("\n Current amount: %f",s.amount); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<79;i++) printf("-"); printf("\n\nEnter amount of payment :"); fflush(stdin); scanf(" %f",&amt); s.amount=s.amount-amt; fseek(f,-size,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&s,sizeof(s),1,f); break; } } system("cls"); printf("THANK YOU %s FOR YOUR TIMELY PAYMENTS",; getch(); fclose(f); } |
Conclusion: It has similar functions like the telecom companies, you have the operations like to add a record with name, phone number, and amount of payment. The user is also allowed to do payments by providing a phone number instead of a name
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