What Day it is? C Project for beginners
Last updated Sep 20, 2021This is a program which tells you the day on a specific date. This code is written in C Programming Language. This could help in increase productivity and time management. The program takes as input a formatted date(DD MM YYYY) and returns the day on that date.
This program includes a Note for each date. You can add notes to any date of your choice and you can also ask for all days of a particular month in this format(MM YYYY). These are some key Features of this program
Features of C Project
- Find dat to specific date
- Print all days of month
- add note for the day
Project includes a detailed interface to interact, which makes this program user-friendly
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Example code
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> struct Date{ int dd; int mm; int yy; }; struct Date date; struct Remainder{ int dd; int mm; char note[50]; }; struct Remainder R; COORD xy = {0, 0}; void gotoxy (int x, int y) { xy.X = x; xy.Y = y; // X and Y coordinates SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), xy); } //This will set the forground color for printing in a console window. void SetColor(int ForgC) { WORD wColor; //We will need this handle to get the current background attribute HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //We use csbi for the wAttributes word. if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)) { //Mask out all but the background attribute, and add in the forgournd color wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor); } return; } void ClearColor(){ SetColor(15); } void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC) { WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F); //Get the handle to the current output buffer... HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //This is used to reset the carat/cursor to the top left. COORD coord = {0, 0}; //A return value... indicating how many chars were written // not used but we need to capture this since it will be // written anyway (passing NULL causes an access violation). DWORD count; //This is a structure containing all of the console info // it is used here to find the size of the console. CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //Here we will set the current color SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor); if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)) { //This fills the buffer with a given character (in this case 32=space). FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR) 32, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count ); //This will set our cursor position for the next print statement. SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord); } return; } void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC) { WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), wColor); return; } int check_leapYear(int year){ //checks whether the year passed is leap year or not if(year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100!=0 && year % 4 ==0)) return 1; return 0; } void increase_month(int *mm, int *yy){ //increase the month by one ++*mm; if(*mm > 12){ ++*yy; *mm = *mm - 12; } } void decrease_month(int *mm, int *yy){ //decrease the month by one --*mm; if(*mm < 1){ --*yy; if(*yy<1600){ printf("No record available"); return; } *mm = *mm + 12; } } int getNumberOfDays(int month,int year){ //returns the number of days in given month switch(month){ //and year case 1 : return(31); case 2 : if(check_leapYear(year)==1) return(29); else return(28); case 3 : return(31); case 4 : return(30); case 5 : return(31); case 6 : return(30); case 7 : return(31); case 8 : return(31); case 9 : return(30); case 10: return(31); case 11: return(30); case 12: return(31); default: return(-1); } } char *getName(int day){ //returns the name of the day switch(day){ case 0 :return("Sunday"); case 1 :return("Monday"); case 2 :return("Tuesday"); case 3 :return("Wednesday"); case 4 :return("Thursday"); case 5 :return("Friday"); case 6 :return("Saturday"); default:return("Error in getName() module.Invalid argument passed"); } } void print_date(int mm, int yy){ //prints the name of month and year printf("---------------------------\n"); gotoxy(25,6); switch(mm){ case 1: printf("January"); break; case 2: printf("February"); break; case 3: printf("March"); break; case 4: printf("April"); break; case 5: printf("May"); break; case 6: printf("June"); break; case 7: printf("July"); break; case 8: printf("August"); break; case 9: printf("September"); break; case 10: printf("October"); break; case 11: printf("November"); break; case 12: printf("December"); break; } printf(" , %d", yy); gotoxy(20,7); printf("---------------------------"); } int getDayNumber(int day,int mon,int year){ //retuns the day number int res = 0, t1, t2, y = year; year = year - 1600; while(year >= 100){ res = res + 5; year = year - 100; } res = (res % 7); t1 = ((year - 1) / 4); t2 = (year-1)-t1; t1 = (t1*2)+t2; t1 = (t1%7); res = res + t1; res = res%7; t2 = 0; for(t1 = 1;t1 < mon; t1++){ t2 += getNumberOfDays(t1,y); } t2 = t2 + day; t2 = t2 % 7; res = res + t2; res = res % 7; if(y > 2000) res = res + 1; res = res % 7; return res; } char *getDay(int dd,int mm,int yy){ int day; if(!(mm>=1 && mm<=12)){ return("Invalid month value"); } if(!(dd>=1 && dd<=getNumberOfDays(mm,yy))){ return("Invalid date"); } if(yy>=1600){ day = getDayNumber(dd,mm,yy); day = day%7; return(getName(day)); }else{ return("Please give year more than 1600"); } } int checkNote(int dd, int mm){ FILE *fp; fp = fopen("note.dat","rb"); if(fp == NULL){ printf("Error in Opening the file"); } while(fread(&R,sizeof(R),1,fp) == 1){ if(R.dd == dd && R.mm == mm){ fclose(fp); return 1; } } fclose(fp); return 0; } void printMonth(int mon,int year,int x,int y){ //prints the month with all days int nod, day, cnt, d = 1, x1 = x, y1 = y, isNote = 0; if(!(mon>=1 && mon<=12)){ printf("INVALID MONTH"); getch(); return; } if(!(year>=1600)){ printf("INVALID YEAR"); getch(); return; } gotoxy(20,y); print_date(mon,year); y += 3; gotoxy(x,y); printf("S M T W T F S "); y++; nod = getNumberOfDays(mon,year); day = getDayNumber(d,mon,year); switch(day){ //locates the starting day in calender case 0 : x=x; cnt=1; break; case 1 : x=x+4; cnt=2; break; case 2 : x=x+8; cnt=3; break; case 3 : x=x+12; cnt=4; break; case 4 : x=x+16; cnt=5; break; case 5 : x=x+20; cnt=6; break; case 6 : x=x+24; cnt=7; break; default : printf("INVALID DATA FROM THE getOddNumber()MODULE"); return; } gotoxy(x,y); if(cnt == 1){ SetColor(12); } if(checkNote(d,mon)==1){ SetColorAndBackground(15,12); } printf("%02d",d); SetColorAndBackground(15,1); for(d=2;d<=nod;d++){ if(cnt%7==0){ y++; cnt=0; x=x1-4; } x = x+4; cnt++; gotoxy(x,y); if(cnt==1){ SetColor(12); }else{ ClearColor(); } if(checkNote(d,mon)==1){ SetColorAndBackground(15,12); } printf("%02d",d); SetColorAndBackground(15,1); } gotoxy(8, y+2); SetColor(14); printf("Press 'n' to Next, Press 'p' to Previous and 'q' to Quit"); gotoxy(8,y+3); printf("Red Background indicates the NOTE, Press 's' to see note: "); ClearColor(); } void AddNote(){ FILE *fp; fp = fopen("note.dat","ab+"); system("cls"); gotoxy(5,7); printf("Enter the date(DD/MM): "); scanf("%d%d",&R.dd, &R.mm); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter the Note(50 character max): "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",R.note); if(fwrite(&R,sizeof(R),1,fp)){ gotoxy(5,12); puts("Note is saved sucessfully"); fclose(fp); }else{ gotoxy(5,12); SetColor(12); puts("\aFail to save!!\a"); ClearColor(); } gotoxy(5,15); printf("Press any key............"); getch(); fclose(fp); } void showNote(int mm){ FILE *fp; int i = 0, isFound = 0; system("cls"); fp = fopen("note.dat","rb"); if(fp == NULL){ printf("Error in opening the file"); } while(fread(&R,sizeof(R),1,fp) == 1){ if(R.mm == mm){ gotoxy(10,5+i); printf("Note %d Day = %d: %s", i+1, R.dd, R.note); isFound = 1; i++; } } if(isFound == 0){ gotoxy(10,5); printf("This Month contains no note"); } gotoxy(10,7+i); printf("Press any key to back......."); getch(); } int main(){ ClearConsoleToColors(15, 1); SetConsoleTitle("Calender Project - Programming-technique.blogspot.com"); int choice; char ch = 'a'; while(1){ system("cls"); printf("1. Find Out the Day\n"); printf("2. Print all the day of month\n"); printf("3. Add Note\n"); printf("4. EXIT\n"); printf("ENTER YOUR CHOICE : "); scanf("%d",&choice); system("cls"); switch(choice){ case 1: printf("Enter date (DD MM YYYY) : "); scanf("%d %d %d",&date.dd,&date.mm,&date.yy); printf("Day is : %s",getDay(date.dd,date.mm,date.yy)); printf("\nPress any key to continue......"); getch(); break; case 2 : printf("Enter month and year (MM YYYY) : "); scanf("%d %d",&date.mm,&date.yy); system("cls"); while(ch!='q'){ printMonth(date.mm,date.yy,20,5); ch = getch(); if(ch == 'n'){ increase_month(&date.mm,&date.yy); system("cls"); printMonth(date.mm,date.yy,20,5); }else if(ch == 'p'){ decrease_month(&date.mm,&date.yy); system("cls"); printMonth(date.mm,date.yy,20,5); }else if(ch == 's'){ showNote(date.mm); system("cls"); } } break; case 3: AddNote(); break; case 4 : exit(0); } } return 0; } |
below are the outputs while run the application
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Enter Date for which you want to know Day
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Let's take Aug 15, 1947. It was Friday
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Let's check on our program, and you see it says FRIDAY
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We can also add Notes to any date of our choice
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This is how a note added looks like in this program
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As we can see it creates a .dat File for Notes created
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