C Projects Source Code - School Billing Management System
Published October 22, 2021In this C Project source code series we are going to create a School Billing Management System.School Building System is a C programming project, which is console-based that doesn't use graphics. The school billing system can be used as a college project for students who are interested in C programming.
The billing operations will be two types of accounts one for staff and the second for teachers.
The data storage in this project uses a file handling method, data structures, and functions. You can insert, modify, search and delete the records of both types of accounts, and the user can get a better understanding of the C language through this program.
Fees of the student, fee dues, and salary-related information will be displayed in the window. You can make the entry of the current month first while executing the program
- Student Module
- Teacher Module
Student Module consist of Add Student record, view record, Fee details
Teacher Module also consist of Add teacher Info,Edit, salary details
Complete code for School Billing System with C
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> struct dat//for date(month and day { int d,m;//d=day,m=month }; int clscanf();//check class (1-12) struct student { struct dat dt; float f,fine,tot,adv,due;//f=fee char n[50]; int r,c;//roll and class } stud,s; struct teacher { struct dat dt; char n[50]; float sal,adv,tot; int id,no; } tech,t; int chkdat(int,int);// for checking date void addrec(int);//for adding records void modrec(int);//for modifying records void searchrec(int);//for searching records void delrec(int);//for deleting records void salary(int);//for the calculation of salary of teacher and staff FILE *fs,*ft;//file declaration int mm,dd;//mm=month, dd=day void ext();//for exiting void main(void) { int i,j,k; for(i=0; i<80; i++) { printf("\xdb"); } printf("\n"); for(i=0; i<80; i++) { printf("\xdb"); } system("color 9a"); printf(" \t_______________________________________________________\n"); printf("\t| |\n"); printf("\t|**WELCOME TO C PROGRAM SCHOOL BILLING SYSTEM PROJECT|**\n"); printf("\n\t| |\n"); printf("\t ______________________________________________________\n"); printf("\t| DEVELOPED BY RRTutors |\n"); printf(" \t________________________________________________________\n"); printf("\t| ***************************************** |\n"); printf("\t| ***************************************** |\n"); printf(" \t_______________________________________________________\n"); printf("\n\tPLEASE ENTER ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { printf("."); Sleep(500);//after printing one . another comes after 0.5 seconds } getch(); system("cls");//clears the screen printf("\n"); for(i=0; i<80; i++) { printf("\xdb"); } system("color 6b"); printf("\n\n\t** WELCOME TO C PROGRAM SCHOOL BILLING SYSTEM PROJECT **\n\n\n"); for(i=0; i<80; i++) { printf("\xdb"); } printf("\nPLEASE ENTER ANY KEY TO START\n"); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { printf("."); Sleep(500); } fflush(stdin); getch(); system("cls"); system("color 0f");//1st is for back ground color and second is for text color printf("\n\t\tPLEASE ENTER CURRENT DATE\nmm dd\n "); scanf("%d%d",&mm,&dd); mm=chkdat(mm,dd); start(); } void start() { int i,j;//j is for selection of account type system("cls"); printf("\n\t\tPLEASE ENTER ACCOUNT TYPE"); printf("\n\t\t1:: Student"); printf("\n\t\t2:: Teachers and Staffs"); printf("\n\t\t3:: Exit"); printf("\n\t\tAccount type choice "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&j); switch (j) { case 3: ext(); case 1: { system("cls"); printf("\n\t\tPLEASE ENTER THE CHOICE"); printf("\n\t\t1:: Add record"); printf("\n\t\t2:: Search record"); printf("\n\t\t3:: Modify record"); printf("\n\t\t4:: Delete record"); printf("\n\t\t5:: Calculate fee"); printf("\n\t\t6:: Exit"); printf("\n\n Enter choice "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&i); switch (i) { case 1: addrec(j);//function call start();//function call case 2: searchrec(j); start(); case 3: modrec(j); start(); case 4: delrec(j); start(); case 5: fee(mm); start(); case 6: ext(); default : { printf("\n\n\tInvalid entry!!"); printf("\n\nTo Account Type\n\n\t"); system("pause"); start(); } } } case 2: { system("cls"); printf("\n\t\tPLEASE ENTER THE CHOICE"); printf("\n\t\t1:: Add record"); printf("\n\t\t2:: Search record"); printf("\n\t\t3:: Modify record"); printf("\n\t\t4:: Delete record"); printf("\n\t\t5:: Calculate Salary"); printf("\n\t\t6:: Exit"); printf("\n\n Enter choice "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&i); switch (i) { case 1: addrec(j); start(); case 2: searchrec(j); start(); case 3: modrec(j); start(); case 4: delrec(j); case 5: salary(mm); start(); case 6: ext(); default : { printf("\n\n\tInvalid entry!!"); printf("\n\nTo Account Type\n\n\t"); system("pause"); start(); } } } default : { printf("\n\n\tInvalid entry!!"); printf("\n\nTo Account Type\n\n\t"); system("pause"); start(); } } } void addrec(int j) { int dif,cdat,ddat,month=0;//cdat=month till which fee is cleared float ff;//used in calculatin of fee of different class char c='y'; system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* ADD RECORD *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); if (j==1) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; printf("\n\nEnter the name of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",stud.n); printf("\nEnter the class: "); fflush(stdin); stud.c=clscanf(); printf("\nEnter the Roll No.:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%2d",&stud.r); printf("\nEnter month and day till which fee is paid:"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%2d%2d",&cdat,&ddat); cdat=chkdat(cdat,ddat); stud.dt.m=cdat; ff=stud.c/10.0; stud.f=1000*(1+ff);//fee of different classes dif=mm-stud.dt.m;//months of fee left to be paid stud.fine=(dif*stud.f)*1/100; stud.due=(dif)*stud.f;//fees left to be paid if(dif==1) { stud.tot=stud.f; stud.fine=0; } else { stud.tot=stud.fine+stud.due; }//for calculation of total fee fs=fopen("student","ab+");//opening a binary file in apend mode fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs); fclose(fs); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } if (j==2) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; printf("\n\nEnter name of teacher/staff:" ); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",tech.n); printf("\nEnter teacher/staff id: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&tech.id); printf("\nEnter number of class/shift per month:: "); scanf("%d",&tech.no); fflush(stdin); printf("\nEnter month and day till which salary is paid::"); scanf("%d %d",&tech.dt.m,&tech.dt.d); cdat=chkdat(cdat,ddat); tech.dt.m=cdat; tech.sal=tech.no*500; tech.adv=(tech.dt.m-mm-1)*tech.sal; if (tech.adv<0) tech.adv=0; tech.tot=tech.sal; ft=fopen("teacher","ab+"); fwrite(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,ft); fclose(ft); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } fflush(stdin); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); } } void searchrec(int j) { char name[50],namet[50]; int a=1,choice; char c='y'; if (j==1) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* SEARCH RECORD *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\n\t\tPLEASE CHOOSE SEARCH TYPE::"); printf("\n\n\t\t1::Search by name::"); printf("\n\n\t\t2::Search by class::"); printf("\n\n\t\t3::Search by rollno::"); printf("\n\n\t\t4::Exit"); printf("\n\n\t\t::Enter your choice:: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&choice); if (choice==1) { a=1; printf("\n\nEnter name of student to search: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); fs=fopen("student","rb"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { if (strcmpi(name,stud.n)==0) { a=0; printf("\nname = %s",stud.n); printf("\nclass = %d",stud.c); printf("\nroll no = %d",stud.r); printf("\nmonthy fee =%.2f",stud.f); printf("\nlast fee paid in month =%2d",stud.dt.m); printf("\n due=%.2f",stud.due); printf("\n fine=%.2f",stud.fine); printf("\n total=%.2f\n\n",stud.tot); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(fs); } else if (choice==2) { int cl; a=1; printf("\n\nEnter class of student to search: "); fflush(stdin); cl=clscanf(); fs=fopen("student","rb"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { if (stud.c==cl) { a=0; printf("\nname = %s",stud.n); printf("\nclass = %d",stud.c); printf("\nroll no = %d",stud.r); printf("\nmonthy fee =%.2f",stud.f); printf("\nlast fee paid in month =%2d",stud.dt.m); printf("\n due=%.2f",stud.due); printf("\n fine=%.2f",stud.fine); printf("\n total=%.2f",stud.tot); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(fs); } else if (choice==3) { int rll; a=1; printf("\n\nEnter roll of student to search: "); fflush(stdin); rll=clscanf(); fs=fopen("student","rb"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { if (strcmpi(name,stud.n)==0) { a=0; printf("\nname = %s",stud.n); printf("\nclass = %d",stud.c); printf("\nroll no = %d",stud.r); printf("\nmonthy fee =%.2f",stud.f); printf("\nlast fee paid in month =%2d",stud.dt.m); printf("\n due=%.2f",stud.due); printf("\n fine=%.2f",stud.fine); printf("\n total=%.2f",stud.tot); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(fs); } else if(choice==4) { ext(); } else { printf("\n\n\n\t\tINVALID ENTRY!!!!\n\n\t\t"); system("pause"); searchrec(1); } printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } if (j==2) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; printf("\n\nname of teacher/staff to search: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",namet); ft=fopen("teacher","rb"); while(fread(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,ft)==1) { if (strcmp(namet,tech.n)==0) { a=0; printf("\nname = %s",tech.n); printf("\nteacher/staff id = %d",tech.id); printf("\nmonth till when salary is paid =%d",tech.dt.m); printf("\nmonthy salary = %.2f",tech.sal); printf("\nadvance paid = %.2f",tech.adv); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(ft); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } } void modrec(int j) { char name[50]; int a=1,choice,cl,rolno; char c='y'; if (j==1) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* MODIFY RECORD *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\n\t\tPLEASE CHOOSE MODIFY TYPE::"); printf("\n\n\t\t1::Modify by name::"); printf("\n\n\t\t2::Modify by name &class::"); printf("\n\n\t\t3::Modify by name,class & rollno::"); printf("\n\n\t\t4::Exit"); printf("\n\n\t\t::Enter your choice:: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&choice); if (choice==1) { int a=0; printf("\n\nenter name of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); fs=fopen("student","rb+"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { a=1; if (strcmpi(name,stud.n)==0) { a=0; printf("\nenter new name of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",stud.n); printf("\nenter new class of student: "); fflush(stdin); stud.c=clscanf(); printf("\nenter new roll of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&stud.r); fseek(fs,-sizeof(stud),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs); fclose(fs); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORDS NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORDS SUCCESSFULLY MODIFIED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); } else if (choice==2) { int a=0; printf("\n\nenter name of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); printf("\n\nenter class of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); cl=clscanf(); fs=fopen("student","rb+"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { a=1; if (strcmpi(name,stud.n)==0 && cl==stud.c) { a=0; printf("\nenter new name of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",stud.n); printf("\nenter new class of student: "); fflush(stdin); stud.c=clscanf(); printf("\nenter new roll of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&stud.r); fseek(fs,-sizeof(stud),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs); fclose(fs); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORDS NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORDS SUCCESSFULLY MODIFIED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); } else if (choice==3) { int a=0; printf("\n\nenter name of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); printf("\n\nenter class of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); cl=clscanf(); printf("\n\nenter roll of student to modify: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&rolno); fs=fopen("student","rb+"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { a=1; if (strcmpi(name,stud.n)==0 && cl==stud.c &&rolno==stud.r) { a=0; printf("\nenter new name of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",stud.n); printf("\nenter new class of student: "); fflush(stdin); stud.c=clscanf(); printf("\nenter new roll of student: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&stud.r); fseek(fs,-sizeof(stud),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs); fclose(fs); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORDS NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORDS SUCCESSFULLY MODIFIED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); } else if (choice==4) ext(); else { printf("\n\n\n\t\tINVALID ENTRY!!!!\n\n\t\t"); system("pause"); modrec(1); } printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } if (j==2) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; printf("enter name of teacher to modify: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); ft=fopen("teacher","rb+"); while(fread(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,ft)==1) { if (strcmpi(name,tech.n)==0) { a=0; printf("\nenter new name of teacher: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",tech.n); printf("\nenter new id of teacher: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&tech.id); fseek(ft,-sizeof(tech),SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,ft); fclose(ft); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORD SUCCESSFULLY MODIFIED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } } void delrec(int j) { system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* DELETE RECORD *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); FILE *temp,*t1; int a=1; char name[50],c='y'; if (j==1) { while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; printf("\n\nenter name of student to delete: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",name); fs=fopen("student","rb"); temp=fopen("tempfile","wb");//opening of temporary file for deleting process while (fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,fs)==1) { if (strcmp(stud.n,name)==0) { a=0; continue; } else { fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,temp); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(fs); fclose(temp); system("del student");/*all data except the data to be deleted in student were 1st moved to temp and data in student was deleted*/ system("ren tempfile, student");//renaming temp to student printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } if (j==2) { a=1; char namet[50]; while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { printf("\n\nEnter name of teacher to delete record: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",namet); ft=fopen("teacher","rb"); t1=fopen("tempfile1","wb"); while (fread(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,ft)==1) { if (strcmp(tech.n,namet)==0) { a=0; continue; } else { fwrite(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,t1); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); else printf("\n\nRECORD SUCCESSFULLY DELETED"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(ft); fclose(t1); system("del teacher"); system("ren tempfile1, teacher"); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } } void salary(int mm) { system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* SALARY *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); FILE *f,*t; int a=1,day; char name[50],c='y'; int month,dif,id; while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1; fflush(stdin); printf("\n\nEnter name:: "); scanf("%[^\n]",name); printf("\n\nEnter ID:: "); scanf("%d",&id); f=fopen("teacher","rb+"); t=fopen("te","wb+"); while(fread(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,f)==1)//file opened { if(strcmp(tech.n,name)==0 )//name entered is compared to the existing name in file { float lsal; a=0; printf("\n\nEnter the month till which salary is to be paid:: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&month); month=chkdat(month,day); tech.adv=(month-mm-1)*tech.sal; if (tech.adv<0) tech.adv=0; lsal=mm-tech.dt.m;//months of salary left to be paid if(lsal<0) lsal=0; tech.tot=tech.adv+tech.sal*(1+lsal); if(month==tech.dt.m) tech.tot=0; printf("\nmonthy salary left to be paid:: %.2f",lsal); printf("\ntotal :: %.2f",tech.tot); printf("\nadvance :: %.2f",tech.adv); tech.dt.m=month; fwrite(&tech,sizeof(tech),1,t); fclose(f); fclose(t); if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); system("del teacher"); system("ren te, teacher"); } } printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } void fee(int mm) { system("cls"); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t********************* FEE *******************"); printf("\n\t *************************** "); printf("\n\t******************************************************************"); FILE *f,*t; int a=0; char name[50],c='y'; int clas, roll,month,dif; while(c=='y'||c=='Y') { int a=1,day=0; fflush(stdin); printf("\n\nEnter name:: "); scanf("%[^\n]",name); printf("\n\nEnter class:: "); fflush(stdin); clas=clscanf(); printf("\n\nEnter roll:: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&roll); f=fopen("student","rb+"); t=fopen("te","wb"); while(fread(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,f)==1) { if(strcmp(stud.n,name)==0 && clas==stud.c && roll==stud.r) { a=0; printf("\n\nEnter the month till which fee to be paid:: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&month); month=chkdat(month,day); dif=mm-stud.dt.m; stud.fine=(dif*stud.f)*0.01; stud.due=(dif)*stud.f; if (stud.fine<0) stud.fine=0; if (stud.due<0) stud.due=0; if (stud.tot<0) stud.tot=0; stud.tot=stud.fine+stud.due+stud.adv; printf("\nfine :: %.2f",stud.fine); printf("\ndue :: %.2f",stud.due); printf("\ntotal :: %.2f",stud.tot); printf("\nadvance :: %.2f",stud.adv); stud.dt.m=month; stud.tot=0; stud.fine=0; stud.due=0; fwrite(&stud,sizeof(stud),1,t); } } if (a==1) printf("\n\nRECORD NOT FOUND"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); fflush(stdin); fclose(f); fclose(t); system("del student"); system("ren te, student"); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue with the process(press y or Y"); fflush(stdin); c=getch(); } getch(); } void ext() { int i; system("color 0c"); printf("\n\n\t\t Thank you for using C Program School Billing System Project\n\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); printf("\n\n\t\t\t Exiting\n\n"); for(i=1; i<=80; i++) { Sleep(50); printf("*"); } exit(0); } int chkdat(int mnt,int dnt) { int mon,day; if (mnt>12 || mnt<1 || dnt<1 || dnt>32) { MessageBox(0,"Invalid Date!\nEnter Again","Error!",0); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d%d",&mon,&day); mon=chkdat(mon,day); } else return (mnt); } int clscanf() { int mnt,mon; fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&mnt); if (mnt>12 ||mnt<1) { MessageBox(0,"Invalid Class!\nEnter Class","Error!!",0); fflush(stdin); mon=clscanf(); } else return mnt; } |
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