Repository Pattern Implementation with Go
Last updated Oct 26, 2021Repository pattern is a common design pattern that used to develop many applications like web based or mobile based application. In this article, the repository pattern is implemented in Go programming language. This pattern is implemented to develop console-based application to manage products data.
What is Repository Pattern
Repository pattern is software design pattern that usually consist of many components including repository, service and client.
Repository: This component is used to access directly into the storage. This storage can be local storage or database.
Service: This component is used to execute some functions from repository. This component acts as a "bridge" between the client and the repository.
Client: This component is used to execute some functions from client so the client only take care what is needed to be used.
The repository pattern is illustrated in this picture.
Create a Project
Create a Go project with this command. The domain name can be customized based on your repository.
go mod init
Install dependency to create an id.
go get |
Create some directories called model
, repository
, service
and client
Create a Model
Inside model directory, create new file called product.go
. In this file, the struct that represents the product entity is created.
package model // Product represents product entity type Product struct { Id string Name string Description string Price float64 Stock int } |
In the same directory, create a new file called productInput.go
. In this file, the struct that used to add or update product data is created.
package model // ProductInput represents input for product data type ProductInput struct { Name string Description string Price float64 Stock int } |
Create a Repository
Inside repository
directory, create a new file called repository.go
. In this file, the repository component is created to access directly into the storage. The storage that is used is a simple local storage using slice. All the CRUD functionalities that related to product data are created.
package repository import ( "" "" ) |
// create local storage
var database []model.Product = []model.Product{} // GetProducts returns all products func GetProducts() []model.Product { return database } |
// GetProductById returns product data by ID
func GetProductById(id string) (int, model.Product) { var product model.Product var productIndex int for index, v := range database { if v.Id == id { product = v productIndex = index } } return productIndex, product } |
// AddProduct to add new product data
func AddProduct(productInput model.ProductInput) model.Product {
var newProduct model.Product = model.Product{
Id: uuid.NewString(),
Name: productInput.Name,
Description: productInput.Description,
Price: productInput.Price,
Stock: productInput.Stock,
database = append(database, newProduct)
return newProduct
// UpdateProduct to update product data
func UpdateProduct(id string, productInput model.ProductInput) model.Product {
index, product := GetProductById(id)
product.Name = productInput.Name
product.Description = productInput.Description
product.Price = productInput.Price
product.Stock = productInput.Stock
database[index] = product
return product
// DeleteProduct to delete product data
func DeleteProduct(id string) bool { var afterDeleted []model.Product = []model.Product{} for _, v := range database { if v.Id != id { afterDeleted = append(afterDeleted, v) } } database = afterDeleted return true } |
Create a Service
Inside service
directory, create a new file called service.go
. In this file, the service component is created to use all the functionalities from the repository component.
package service import ( "" "" ) // GetProducts returns all products func GetProducts() []model.Product { return repository.GetProducts() } // GetProductById returns product by ID func GetProductById(id string) (int, model.Product) { productIndex, product := repository.GetProductById(id) return productIndex, product } // AddProduct returns added product func AddProduct(productInput model.ProductInput) model.Product { return repository.AddProduct(productInput) } // UpdateProduct returns updated product func UpdateProduct(id string, productInput model.ProductInput) model.Product { return repository.UpdateProduct(id, productInput) } // DeleteProduct returns delete result func DeleteProduct(id string) bool { return repository.DeleteProduct(id) } |
Create a Client
Inside client
directory, create a new file called client.go
. In this file, the client application is created that is using service component.
package client import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "" "" ) // display the main menu func DisplayMenu() { var choice int fmt.Println("Products Manager App") fmt.Println("Please choose the menu") for { fmt.Println("1. Get all products") fmt.Println("2. Get Product by ID") fmt.Println("3. Add new product") fmt.Println("4. Update product") fmt.Println("5. Delete product") fmt.Println("6. Quit") fmt.Scanln(&choice) switch choice { case 1: getAllProducts() case 2: getProductById() case 3: addProduct() case 4: updateProduct() case 5: deleteProduct() case 6: fmt.Println("Good bye..") return default: fmt.Println("Input invalid!") fmt.Println("Please choose from 1-6") } } } // retrieve all products func getAllProducts() { var products []model.Product = service.GetProducts() if len(products) != 0 { fmt.Println("All products") for _, product := range products { showProductData(product) } } else { fmt.Println("No products found!") } } // retrieve product data by ID func getProductById() { var productId string fmt.Println("Enter product ID: ") fmt.Scanln(&productId) _, product := service.GetProductById(productId) fmt.Println("Product data") showProductData(product) } // add new product func addProduct() { var reader *bufio.Reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) var name, description string var price float64 var stock int fmt.Println("Enter product name: ") name, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Println("Enter product description: ") description, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Println("Enter product price: ") fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &price) fmt.Println("Enter product stock: ") fmt.Scanf("%d\n", &stock) var newProduct model.ProductInput = model.ProductInput{ Name: name, Description: description, Price: price, Stock: stock, } var insertedProduct = service.AddProduct(newProduct) fmt.Println("Your inserted product") showProductData(insertedProduct) } // update product data func updateProduct() { var reader *bufio.Reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) var productId, name, description string var price float64 var stock int fmt.Println("Enter product id: ") fmt.Scanf("%s\n", &productId) fmt.Println("Enter product name: ") name, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Println("Enter product description: ") description, _ = reader.ReadString('\n') fmt.Println("Enter product price: ") fmt.Scanf("%f\n", &price) fmt.Println("Enter product stock: ") fmt.Scanf("%d\n", &stock) var productData model.ProductInput = model.ProductInput{ Name: name, Description: description, Price: price, Stock: stock, } var updatedProduct = service.UpdateProduct(productId, productData) fmt.Println("Your updated data") showProductData(updatedProduct) } // delete product data func deleteProduct() { var productId string fmt.Println("Enter product id: ") fmt.Scanf("%s\n", &productId) var isDeleted bool = service.DeleteProduct(productId) if isDeleted { fmt.Println("Data deleted!") } } // display product data func showProductData(product model.Product) { fmt.Println("========================") fmt.Println("ID: ", product.Id) fmt.Println("Name: ", product.Name) fmt.Println("Description: ", product.Description) fmt.Println("Price: ", product.Price) fmt.Println("Stock: ", product.Stock) fmt.Println("========================") } |
Use the Client
The client is already created. Use the client in main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
Run the Application
The repository pattern implementation is finished. Run the application using go run main.go
Add new product Products Manager App Please choose the menu 1. Get all products 2. Get Product by ID 3. Add new product 4. Update product 5. Delete product 6. Quit 3 Enter product name: macbook Enter product description: cool macbook Enter product price: 299 Enter product stock: 1000 Your inserted product ======================== ID: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Name: macbook Description: cool macbook Price: 299 Stock: 1000 ======================== Get all products 1. Get all products 2. Get Product by ID 3. Add new product 4. Update product 5. Delete product 6. Quit 1 All products ======================== ID: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Name: macbook Description: cool macbook Price: 299 Stock: 1000 ======================== ======================== ID: 2f43132a-1ff9-4315-b5d7-941976cef6b2 Name: ps5 Description: new gaming console Price: 298 Stock: 100 ======================== Get product by ID 1. Get all products 2. Get Product by ID 3. Add new product 4. Update product 5. Delete product 6. Quit 2 Enter product ID: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Product data ======================== ID: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Name: macbook Description: cool macbook Price: 299 Stock: 1000 ======================== Update product data 1. Get all products 2. Get Product by ID 3. Add new product 4. Update product 5. Delete product 6. Quit 4 Enter product id: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Enter product name: macbook pro Enter product description: newest macbook Enter product price: 1200 Enter product stock: 99 Your updated data ======================== ID: b5e9ff7f-d87c-4b97-a3b8-9660da983752 Name: macbook pro Description: newest macbook Price: 1200 Stock: 99 ======================== Delete product data 1. Get all products 2. Get Product by ID 3. Add new product 4. Update product 5. Delete product 6. Quit 5 Enter product id: f78057cf-c3d8-4ab-a642-e9cadf495896 Data deleted! |
I hope this article is helpful to learn the implementation of repository pattern in Go programming language.
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