How to Split a String in Golang - Golang String Tutorial
Published April 02, 2021We know in programming language strings are sequence of characters. In Golang strings are different from other programming languages like java,python,rust programming language. Strings in golang is a read-only slice of bytes, these byte could be represented in the Unicode text by UTF-8 encoding. In this go programming language tutorial we are going to split a given string by using Split() function.
Split() function syntax
func Split(s, sep string) []string
In the above function 's' is the string which we need to split the string and 'sep'
Example to split a string with Split() golang
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Creating and initializing the strings
str1 := "Golang, Split String, How to Split String"
str2 := "Golang String examples"
// Displaying strings
fmt.Println("String 1: ", str1)
fmt.Println("String 2: ", str2)
// Splitting the given strings
// Using Split() function
res1 := strings.Split(str1, ",")
res2 := strings.Split(str2, "")
// Displaying the result
fmt.Println("\nResult 1: ", res1)
fmt.Println("Result 2: ", res2)
String 1: Golang, Split String, How to Split String
String 2: Golang String examples
Result 1: [Golang Split String How to Split String]
Result 2: [G o l a n g S t r i n g e x a m p l e s]
Tags: go programming language tutorial, Split String,go language
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