Flutter Checked Widgets | RRTutors

Flutter Checked Widgets


Checkbox is a checkbox component, usually used for setting options



  • activeColor : Color -the color when active.

  • onChanged : ValueChanged -fired when changed.

  • tristate: bool -If true, the value of the checkbox can be true, false or null.

  • value : bool -the value of the checkbox



CheckboxListTile is an upper-level package of Checkbox. Its appearance is to provide a selection component similar to a setting page, which can set icons and text



Radio is used for single selection options



  • Value of value radio

  • groupValue radio The value of the group. Value == groupValue is selected.

  • onChanged callback when the value changes

  • activeColor when selected




class CheckWidgets extends StatefulWidget{


 State<StatefulWidget> createState() {

   // TODO: implement createState

   return CheckWidgetState();





class Course{


 bool courseCheck;

 String title;

 double price;


class CheckWidgetState extends State<CheckWidgets>


 int priceCheck=0;

 String doller_rupee="Rs";




 void initState() {

   // TODO: implement initState



   listCourse.add(Course("Course 1",699,false));

   listCourse.add(Course("Course 2",693,false));




 Widget build(BuildContext context) {

   // TODO: implement build

   return Scaffold(


     appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Checked Widgets"),backgroundColor: Colors.pink,),

     body: Container(

       margin: EdgeInsets.all(10),


       child: Column(

         children: <Widget>[



             child: Padding(

               padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),

               child: Column(

                 children: <Widget>[


                     children: <Widget>[

                       Text("Price in ",style: TextStyle(color: Colors.pink,fontSize: 22),),





                     children: <Widget>[


                         children: <Widget>[


                               value: 0,

                               activeColor: Colors.pink,

                               groupValue: priceCheck,

                               onChanged: (newValue) {

                                 setState(() {

                                   priceCheck = newValue;









                         children: <Widget>[


                               value: 1,

                               activeColor: Colors.pink,

                               groupValue: priceCheck,

                               onChanged: (newValue) {

                                 setState(() {

                                   priceCheck = newValue;














           ) ,


             child: Padding(

               padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),

               child: Column(

                 children: <Widget>[


                     children: <Widget>[

                       Text("Select Course",style: TextStyle(color: Colors.pink,fontSize: 24),),





                       shrinkWrap: true,

                       itemCount: listCourse.length,

                       itemBuilder: (ctx,pos){

                         return Column(

                           children: <Widget>[


                               subtitle: Text(" $doller_rupee ${listCourse[pos].price}",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16,color: Colors.green),),

                               title:  Text(listCourse[pos].title,style: TextStyle(fontSize: 22,color: Colors.black),),

                               checkColor:Colors.white, activeColor:Colors.pink,

                               value: this.listCourse[pos].courseCheck,

                               onChanged: (bool value) {

                                 setState(() {

                                   listCourse[pos].courseCheck = !listCourse[pos].courseCheck;




                             Divider(height: 2,color: Colors.pink,)
















Checked Widgets
