Flutter SingleChildScrollView Widget | RRTutors

Flutter SingleChildScrollView

This Widget is used to show a child Widget even if there is not enough space to view the entirety of the child Widget


SingleChildScrollView is similar to scrollview in Android, and it can only contain one child element


const SingleChildScrollView({

    Key key,

    this.scrollDirection = Axis.vertical,

    this.reverse = false,


    bool primary,




    this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.down,



key : the unique identifier of the current element (similar to id in Android)

scrollDirection : scroll direction, default is vertical

reverse : whether to slide in the opposite direction of the reading direction.

padding : padding distance

primary : Whether to use the default Primary ScrollController in the widget tree. When the sliding direction is vertical (scrollDirection value is Axis.vertical) and the controller is not specified, the primary defaults to true

physics : This property accepts a ScrollPhysics object, which determines how the scrollable widget responds to user operations, such as the user continuing to perform an animation after lifting the finger, or how to display it when sliding to the boundary. 

controller : This property accepts a ScrollController object. The main role of ScrollController is to control the scroll position and listen for scroll events

child : child element


class SingleChildScrollViewWidget extends StatelessWidget{



 Widget build(BuildContext context) {

   // TODO: implement build

   return MaterialApp(

       home: Scaffold(

       appBar: AppBar(title:Text("SingleChildScroll Widget"),backgroundColor: Colors.pink,),

   body: horizontalScroll()






   return SingleChildScrollView(

     scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,

     child: Center(

       child: Row(

         children: alphabets.split("").map((a)=>Padding(

           padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),

           child: Text(a,style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20,color: Colors.pink),),








   return SingleChildScrollView(

     scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,

     child: Center(

       child: Column(

         children: alphabets.split("").map((a)=>Padding(

           padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),

           child: Text(a,style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20,color: Colors.pink),),







Read Horizontal Scrollable Table in Flutter


Vertical Direction

Horizontal Direction
