How do i create Ios App with Xcode 12

Last updated Nov 24, 2021

In this ios tutorial part we will learn how to create ios app with xcode. To develop ios applications we need Xcode IDE.

What is Xcode?

Xcode is a ios app development IDE which will be used to develop applications for iOS, OS X, Watch OS, TV OS Applications, etc. To work with Xcode we need

  • A Mac Machine running with OS X
  • An Apple ID to download the Xcode IDE.


Download and Install XCode

We can download Xcode from app store and install it in your local machine.


Let' s create a First ios Application with XCode IDE.

Step 1: Open Xcode which you installed (basically you can find it in launcher)

It will display below window.

Ios App creation with xcode 1


Step 2: Now click on Create a new Xcode project


Ios App creation with xcode 1

Step 3: Thre you will find differnt types of app creations. select iOS —> App, Click on Next


Ios App creation with xcode 1

Step 4: In this window we need to

  • Enter our app name( Product Name)
  • Select team
  • Bundle Identifier ( which is the main id for our application which we will be used to find  our apps after publish app in app store). This Bundle identifier should be follow the structure (com.OrganizationName.ProductName)
  • Select Interface as Storyboard
  • Language as Swift ( you can choose Objective C)
  • Check Use core data ( If you are app requires Core Data usage)
  • Include Tests ( This will be create Test Folders to write Test cases)
  • Click on Next


Step 5: Check Create Git repository on my Mac —> Click on Create

Ios App creation with xcode 1


Step 6: Cross Check bundle identifier as shown in below window

Step 7: Here is your created project

Open View controller

Ios App creation with xcode 1


Let’s start coding


Conclusion: In this ios app tutorial we created simple ios application with Xcode. Next tutorial we create our First ios application with output screen.



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