How to perform element-wise subtraction on tensors in PyTorch?

Last updated Jun 24, 2022

PyTorch is a deep learning framework that can also be used to compute numerically. In this article, we'll go through the fundamentals of PyTorch's element-wise subtraction.

The torch.sub() function of PyTorch is used to execute element-wise subtraction on tensors. Tensors are subtracted from their respective elements. A scalar or tensor may be subtracted from yet another scalar or tensor. A tensor may be subtracted from another tensor, whether the dimensions are similar or distinct. The resulting tensor's dimensions are just the same as the greater tensor's dimension.


 element-wise subtraction on tensors in PyTorch

Performing element-wise subtraction on tensors in PyTorch

Simply follow the simple steps below to perform element-wise subtraction operation on tensors:

Step 1: Import the necessary torch library and make sure it is already installed.

Step 2: Create at least two tensors using PyTorch and print them out.

Step 3: Define the subtract a scalar quantity as well.

Step 4: Use a torch to subtract one scalar or one tensor from another, then set the result as a new variable.

Step 5: This is the last step in the process, and it requires printing the final tensor.



In this section, we will look at a Python code that subtracts a scalar number from a tensor

import torch

T1 = torch.Tensor([[5,6],[3,4]])

T2 = torch.Tensor([7, 8])

print("T1:\n", T1)

print("T2:\n", T2)

v = torch.sub(T1, T2)

print("Element-wise subtraction result:\n", v)





tensor([[5., 6.],

         [3., 4.]])


   tensor([7., 8.])

Element-wise subtraction result:

tensor([[-2., -2.],

         [-4., 14.]])



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