How to squeeze and unsqueeze a tensor in PyTorch?

Published January 03, 2022

If you want to squeeze a tensor, you should use the torch.squeeze() method. This method returns the new tensor dimension of the input tensor. It does, however, eliminate size 1.

If you want to unsqueeze a tensor, you should use the touch.unsqueeze() function. This function returns the new tensor dimension of the size 1 placed at the specified point.


How to squeeze and unsqueeze a tensor in PyTorch

To squeeze and unsqueeze a tensor in PyTorch, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Importing the torch library is the initial step.

Step 2: Construct and print a tensor.

Step 3: Ascertain torch.squeeze (input). It squeezes (removes) the size 1 and returns a tensor with all of the remaining dimensions of the input tensor.

Step 4: Select torch.unsqueeze (input, dim). After adding a new dimension of size 1 at the supplied dim, it returns the tensor.

Step 5: Squeezed and/or unsqueezed tensors should be printed.



import torch

T = torch.ones(2,1,2) # size 2x1x2

print("Original Tensor T:\n", T )

print("Size of T:", T.size())

squeezed_T = torch.squeeze(T)

print("Squeezed_T\n:", squeezed_T )

print("Size of Squeezed_T:", squeezed_T.size())




Original Tensor T:

tensor([[[1., 1.]],

         [[1., 1.]]])

Size of T: torch.Size([2, 1, 2])


: tensor([[1., 1.],

         [1., 1.]])

Size of Squeezed_T: torch.Size([2, 2])




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