How to use absolute references to create a copy and paste formula?

Published June 12, 2022

An absolute reference is designated in the formula by adding a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column reference, the row reference, or both. In this article, we will learn how to use an absolute reference to create a copy and paste formula.


How to use absolute references to create a copy and paste formula in Google Sheets

In this article, we are going to calculate the sum of items from different cells, but we are going to use absolute references to ensure that the cell of reference remains constant even after the formula has been copied and filled into other cells. 

It is quite easy to create a copy and paste formula in Google Sheets by using absolute reference. Simply follow the steps below:

Step 1: First of all, select the cell that you would like to insert the formula into. In this case, we will enter the formula in 

How to use absolute references to create a copy and paste formula?


Step 2: Now enter the formula to perform your desired calculation, beginning with a $ sign.  In this case, we are going to use the formula =A2+B2/$A$2

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Step 3: On your keyboard, press enter to generate the answer.

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Step 4: Now click on the fill handle and scroll down to all the cells you would like the formula copied and pasted. In this case, we are going to select cells from C2 to C10.

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Step 5: As soon as you release your mouse, the formula will be copied to all the selected cells with the absolute reference, and the values will now be calculated in each cell.

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You can check by double clicking on the cells you filled to see if your formula has been copied and pasted correctly. The absolute reference should be the same for all cells, while the relative reference will be determined by the cell row.

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In conclusion, always remember to use the dollar sign ($) when you are making an absolute reference across multiple cells. If you forget to include the dollar sign, Google spreadsheets will interpret it as a relative cell, and this will result in incorrect results when copied to other cells

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