Python Tkinter Frame - How Tkinter Frame Works

Published December 11, 2021

The Frame widget is critical for arranging and grouping other widgets user-friendly. It works similar to a container, which specifies the positioning of other widgets.

It organizes the structure and provides cushioning for these widgets by using rectangular sections on the screen. A frame is also be used as a base class for creating complicated widgets.

Let’s  take a peek at how the  Tkinter Frame works:

How Tkinter Frame Works

To create a Tkinter frame, the following syntax is used:

w = Frame(parent,  options)  

Where these options represent different widget frame attributes, some of the most frequent Frame widget options are as follows:

  • Bd- specifies  the width  of the  widget border

  • Bg -  specifies  the  background color  of the widget

  • Cursor-  specifies the appearance of the cursor once hovered on the widget

  • Height- specifies  the height of the widget

  • Highlightcolor- specifies  the  font color  when the cursor  hovers on the  widget

  • Highlightbackground- specifies  the  background color  when the cursor  hovers on the  widget

  • Relief -  specifies  the type of the  border

  • Width-  specifies the width of the widget


Example of a Tkinter Frame

The following example shows the tkinter frame widget arranging a group of four buttons


from tkinter import *

top = Tk()


frame = Frame(top)


leftframe = Frame(top)



rightframe = Frame(top)


btn1 = Button(frame, text="Button 1", bg="red", fg="white", activebackground="red")


btn2 = Button(frame, text="Button 2", bg="brown", fg="white", activebackground="brown")


btn3 = Button(rightframe, text="Button 3", bg="blue", fg="white", activebackground="blue")


btn4 = Button(leftframe, text="Button 4", bg="black", fg="white", activebackground="white")





Following the execution of the above code, the following Frame will be displayed


Python TkInter frame



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