Python enumerate() function
Published February 15, 2022When working with iterators in programming, we must unquestionably enumerate them. The Python enumerate() function makes it simple for programmers to count the number of iterations. This method sets the iterable's counter and returns it as an enumerating object. The enumerated objects can be used directly in loops by programmers, or they can be converted into a list of turples using the list () function.
The syntax for the enumerate() method is as follows:
enumerate(iterable, start=0) |
Where; iterable- an object which supports iteration
Start- an index value where counter can be started and the default is 0.
x = ["a","b","c"] y = "python" obj1 = enumerate(x) obj2 = enumerate(y) print ("Return type:",type(obj1)) print (list(enumerate(x))) print (list(enumerate(y,2))) |
Return type: <class 'enumerate'> |
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