Packages in Python

Last updated Aug 13, 2021

Packages in Python

The package is the hierarchical file directory structure used in the python programming language used to define a single python environment of application that contains several modules and sub-packages.

Now consider an environment we have created a file name in my phone directory


def whatsapp():
print(“Whatsapp is in my phone”)


Similarly, we have made two other distinct functions but in the same directory


Facebook: myphone/facebook having function facebook()
Instagram: myphone/instagram having function instagram()


Now create another file name __init__() in the same directory



to make all the functions available when the imported phone, we have to use the import statement in __init__() as done below:


from whatsapp import whatsapp
fom instagram add instagram
from facebook add facebook


now add these lines in

import myphone


Whatsapp is in my phone

Facebook is in my phone

Instagram is in my phone



Difference between a Module and a Package

A file in Python is known as a Module whereas a collection of modules is known as a Package. A module consists of a single python file but a package is a collection of modules so this is the reason why a package is termed as a directory of modules.

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