In this Jetpack compose tutorial we will learn how to use create FloatingActionButton with Jetpack compose in Android application.
Floating action button perform primary action on a screen.
Let's get started
Step 1: Create android application in android studio
Step 2: Follow step for setup Jetpack Compose with Android Studio
Let's create a simple circular floating action button
FloatingActionButton(onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked floating action button with circular shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, content = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }, backgroundColor = Color.Blue) |
Create Rectangle floating action button
FloatingActionButton(onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked floating action button with rectangle shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, content = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }, backgroundColor = Color.Blue, shape = RectangleShape) |
Extended floating action button
ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button ....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }) |
Extended floating action button with icon
ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button with icon....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, icon = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }) |
Extended floating action button with rectangle shape
ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button with rectangle shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, shape = RectangleShape) |
Full Code
package com.example.jetpack import android.os.Bundle import android.view.WindowManager import android.widget.Toast import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity import androidx.activity.compose.setContent import* import androidx.compose.material.* import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.Add import androidx.compose.runtime.* import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import import import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) window.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE) setContent { FloatingActionMenu() } } } @Composable fun FloatingActionMenu() { val context = LocalContext.current Column( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { FloatingActionButton(onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked floating action button with circular shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, content = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }, backgroundColor = Color.Blue) Spacer(Modifier.size(16.dp)) FloatingActionButton(onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked floating action button with rectangle shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, content = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }, backgroundColor = Color.Blue, shape = RectangleShape) Spacer(Modifier.size(16.dp)) ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button ....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }) Spacer(Modifier.size(16.dp)) ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button with icon....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, icon = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "image", tint = Color.White ) }) Spacer(Modifier.size(16.dp)) ExtendedFloatingActionButton( backgroundColor = Color.Blue, text = { Text(text = "Extended FAB", color = Color.White) }, onClick = { Toast.makeText( context, "You clicked extended floating action button with rectangle shape....", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show() }, shape = RectangleShape ) } } @Preview(showBackground = true) @Composable fun DefaultPreview() { FloatingActionMenu() } |
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