Android Sudoku App Development: Tutorial, Source Code, Kotlin

Last updated Jan 10, 2025

An Android Sudoku app is a mobile application that allows users to play the classic logic-based number puzzle game, Sudoku, on their Android devices. In this article we re going to create an Android Sudoku app using the power of Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. This section outlines the key features and architectural components of the project

Install and rate the Sudoku app from the playstore 

Sudoku App Android

Here are the key features and components:

  1. Modern Architecture:
  • MVVM architecture pattern
  • Jetpack Compose for UI
  • Material Design 3 components
  • Navigation component for screen management
  • ViewModel for state management
  • Room database for storing scores and game state
  1. Game Features:
  • Three difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard)
  • Points system based on:
    • 5 points for correctly filling non-fixed cells
    • 1 point for filling fixed cells
    • Bonus points for completing the board
  • Maximum 3 mistakes allowed
  • Note-taking capability
  • Save game progress
  • Dark/Light theme support
  1. UI Components:
  • Clean, modern Material Design 3 interface
  • Responsive grid layout
  • Number pad for input
  • Progress tracking
  • Animations for cell selection and completion
  1. User Experience:
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Visual feedback for moves
  • Error highlighting
  • Progress saving
  • Achievement system
  • Leaderboard


Let me explain the new components and their functionality used in this Andrdoid Sudoku source code app

  1. PlayingScreen:
  • Shows the active game board
  • Displays current points and mistakes counter
  • Includes a number pad for input
  • Has a pause button
  • Provides visual feedback for selected cells and errors
  1. GameCompleted Screen:
  • Congratulatory message with animations
  • Shows final score in a prominent way
  • Options to:
    • Start a new game
    • Share score on social media
  • Displays any achievements unlocked
  1. GameOver Screen:
  • Shows when player makes too many mistakes
  • Displays final score
  • Options to:
    • Try again (same difficulty)
    • Return to home screen
  • Encouraging message to try again

Additional features added:

  1. Pause Dialog:
  • Allows players to take a break
  • Options to resume or quit
  • Saves current game state
  1. Error Handling:
  • Visual indicator for mistakes (icons at the top)
  • Maximum 3 mistakes allowed
  • Haptic feedback for errors (through MaterialTheme)
  1. Points System:
  • Dynamic point calculation based on:
    • Difficulty level
    • Speed of completion
    • Number of mistakes made
    • Bonus for completing without hints
  1. UI Improvements:
  • Material Design 3 components
  • Smooth animations for transitions
  • Responsive layout
  • Clear visual hierarchy
  • Accessibility support


Sudoku source code PlayingScreen contains all the necessary functionality. Here are the key features:

  1. Game Board Features:

  • Interactive 9x9 grid
  • Highlight selected cell
  • Highlight related cells (same row, column, and 3x3 box)
  • Highlight cells with same value
  • Support for fixed (initial) numbers
  • Note-taking system
  • Visual feedback on selection
  1. Game Controls:

  • Note mode toggle
  • Undo functionality
  • Hint system
  • Reset game option (with confirmation)
  • Pause game
  1. Game Information Display:

  • Points counter
  • Timer
  • Mistake counter (visual indicators)
  • Difficulty level
  • Current game status
  1. Number Pad:

  • Large, easy-to-tap buttons
  • Visual feedback on selection
  • Supports both regular input and notes
  1. User Experience Features:
  • Haptic feedback on interactions
  • Animations for selections and transitions
  • Clear


Get Started: Project Setup for Your Android Sudoku App

Create a new Android Studio project with an Empty Activity.
Add the necessary dependencies in the build.gradle file:

dependencies {


implementation ("androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended:1.7.6")

implementation ("androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.8.5")

implementation ("androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences:1.0.0")


Step 2: Creating the Sudoku board layout

Create a custom Composable function for the Sudoku board layout using Jetpack Compose. This function Design will UI generate with the Jetpack grid Compose
Custom layout Sudoku for board the view Sudoku with game interactive with cells
Number cells pad for for each inputting number numbers
Dialogs input.

Step for 3: displaying Implementing game the over, game win, logic

Create and a error ViewModel messages

Snackbar class for for displaying the hints game and logic notifications
Settings and screen state for management. changing This theme ViewModel and will difficulty handle level
To the implement generation the of Sudoku the app, Sudoku follow board, these checking steps:

Create for a correct new inputs, Android tracking project points, in and Android managing Studio
Add game the progress.

Step necessary 4: dependencies Implementing for the Jetpack UI Compose, components

Create Room, Composable Navigation, functions and for ViewModel the in UI your components build.gradle such file
Create as the the database number entity, pad, DAO, note-taking and functionality, database game using timer, Room
Implement score the display, MVVM and architecture settings pattern page. by Add creating these the components ViewModel, to Repository, the and main UI game components
Design screen the using layout Jetpack using Compose.

Step Jetpack 5: Compose Setting and up Material the Design Room components
Implement database

Create the an game Entity logic class for for generating storing Sudoku game puzzles, scores checking and solutions, state and in scoring
Handle the user Room input, database. saving Implement game a progress, DAO and interface displaying for game performing state database and operations messages
Add and functionality a for Database note-taking, class theme for switching, initializing and the difficulty database selection
Test instance.

In this article, we discussed the development and implementation of a scoring system for an Android Sudoku game

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