Building Your First KMP Project: A Step-by-Step Guide
Last updated Dec 11, 2024Remember from the last tutorial, we learned all about Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP). Now, let's dive in and create your very first KMP project!
Using the JetBrains KMP Project Creation Tool
Instead of setting up the project directly in Android Studio, we'll leverage a dedicated tool from JetBrains for a streamlined experience.
Head over to the JetBrains KMP project creation link: KMP
Upon landing on the page, you'll see two main options: "New Project" and "Template Gallery."
Go ahead and click "New Project."
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KMP Project Setup
Now it's time to customize your project:
Project Name: Choose a descriptive name for your project (e.g., "MyFirstKMPApp").
Package Name: Define the package structure for your project code (e.g., "com.yourcompany.kmp").
Platforms: Make sure to select both "Android" and "iOS" checkboxes to create a cross-platform project.
Once you've filled in the details, click the "Download Project" button. This will download a pre-configured project structure that's ready for you to explore and build upon.
With the project downloaded, we'll be ready to import it into Android Studio and start exploring the code structure.
Launching Your KMP Project in Android Studio
1. Opening the Project
Launch Android Studio.
From the welcome screen, select "Open" and navigate to the location where you saved your downloaded KMP project.
Choose the project folder and click "Open."
2. Building the Project
Give Android Studio a moment to build the project. This might take a few minutes depending on your system.
3. Creating and Launching an AVD (Android Virtual Device)
If you don't have an AVD set up already, you'll need to create one. Go to Tools > AVD Manager.
Click "Create Virtual Device" and follow the prompts to select a device image and configure its settings.
Once the AVD is created, click "Run" to launch it.
4. Running the KMP Project
In Android Studio, select the "composeApp" module from the Run configuration dropdown.
Click the "Run" button (the green triangle).
Your KMP project should now build and deploy to the running AVD, allowing you to see the results on the virtual device.
We'll learn how to share common logic between platforms while building separate native UIs for Android and iOS. Stay tuned for the next tutorial!
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