Flutter Create Animated Bottom Navigation Bar

Last updated Oct 28, 2021

When it comes to Mobile Applications, the Bottom Navigation Bar plays an Important role so, In this tutorial, we will learn how you can get Animated Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter.

Let's start by creating a new application in Flutter Once you created a new application follow these steps:

Step 1: Add required packages in pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub add

  bottom_navy_bar: ^5.6.0


Step 2: Inside your MaterialApp add a Stateful Widget in your home and declare a page controller and an int variable for your current index/state.


int currentIndex = 0;

PageController _pageController;





Step 3: Inside your body declare Page View Widget and give page controller to it and add children as pages to your app for example if you want three bottom navigation buttons then add three children inside Page View.


body: SizedBox.expand(   
   child: PageView(
   controller: _pageController,
   onPageChanged: (index){
   setState(() {
   currentState = index;
   children: [
   color: Colors.blue,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('Welcome',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.red,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('To',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.green,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('The',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.pink,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('Jungle',style: textStyle,),



Step 4: Declare BottomNavyBar in Bottom Navigation Bar below your body and you can find various properties.


  • iconSize - the item icon's size
  • items - navigation items, required more than one item and less than six
  • selectedIndex - the current item index. Use this to change the selected item. Default to zero
  • onItemSelected - required to listen when a item is tapped it provide the selected item's index
  • backgroundColor - the navigation bar's background color
  • showElevation - if false the appBar's elevation will be removed
  • mainAxisAlignment - use this property to change the horizontal alignment of the items. It is mostly used when you have ony two items and you want to center the items
  • curve - param to customize the item change's animation
  • containerHeight - changes the Navigation Bar's height


  • icon - the icon of this item
  • title - the text that will appear next to the icon when this item is selected
  • activeColor - the active item's background and text color
  • inactiveColor - the inactive item's icon color
  • textAlign - property to change the alignment of the item title.

Using these properties you can customize your beautiful animated bottom navigation bar.


bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavyBar(      
   curve: Curves.easeIn,
   showElevation: true,
   selectedIndex: currentState,
   setState(() {
   currentState = index;
   items: [
   BottomNavyBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.home),
   title: Text('Home'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.redAccent,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.message),
   title: Text('Message'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.indigoAccent,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.notifications),
   title: Text('Notification'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.green,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
   title: Text('Settings'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.blue,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center


Flutter Animated Bottom NavigationBar


Video Tutorial + Source Code


Completed Example code for Flutter Animated Bottom Navigation Bar:

import 'package:bottom_navy_bar/bottom_navy_bar.dart';
   import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
   void main()=> runApp(MyApp());
   class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return MaterialApp(
   debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
   home: BottomBarDemo(),
   class BottomBarDemo extends StatefulWidget {
   _BottomBarDemoState createState() => _BottomBarDemoState();
   class _BottomBarDemoState extends State<BottomBarDemo> {
   int currentState = 0;
   PageController _pageController;
   TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 30,fontStyle: FontStyle.italic);
   void initState() {
   // TODO: implement initState
   _pageController = PageController();
   void dispose() {
   // TODO: implement dispose
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
   appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Demo'),),
   body: SizedBox.expand(
   child: PageView(
   controller: _pageController,
   onPageChanged: (index){
   setState(() {
   currentState = index;
   children: [
   color: Colors.blue,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('Welcome',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.red,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('To',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.green,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('The',style: textStyle,),
   color: Colors.pink,
   child: Center(
   child: Text('Jungle',style: textStyle,),
   bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavyBar(
   curve: Curves.easeIn,
   showElevation: true,
   selectedIndex: currentState,
   setState(() {
   currentState = index;
   items: [
   BottomNavyBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.home),
   title: Text('Home'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.redAccent,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.message),
   title: Text('Message'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.indigoAccent,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.notifications),
   title: Text('Notification'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.green,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center
   icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
   title: Text('Settings'),
   inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
   activeColor: Colors.blue,
   textAlign: TextAlign.center


Conclusion: In this tutorial, we learned how you can create a beautiful animated Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter.


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