A complete list of Flutter Libraries & Packages used for Flutter App development
Last updated Nov 19, 2020Do you like to build and create beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, or desktop? We would like to tell you about an amazing toolkit by Google’s user interface, called Flutter which can be of great help to you!
Flutter is used by developers, designers and organizations all around the world and is very popular. It is free of cost and is open source, allowing you to redistribute and modify it as per your needs.
Flutter App Development Company brings to you the best Flutter libraries and packages, recommended and picked by professionals who have personally loved it:
A highly powerful app, that also boosts your creativity and talent, fl_chart of Flutter App, helps you create pie charts, bar graphs, histograms, and other such graphical representations that are used to visualize hierarchical data.
It is easy to use and work with. Now the users would be able to express their ideas better and more effectively, making your application more coveted!
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/fl_chart
It is used to carry and obtain all the details about the application version.
This plugin supports a stable application programming interface (API) making your app more useful to the users.
Its 1.0.0 version is also backward compatible with the 0.4.y+z version. And it functions very well on both operating systems i.e. iOS and Android!
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/package_info
Related read: How do I change Package name in Flutter
RxDart is an implementation of the popular reactiveX API for asynchronous programming, leveraging the native Dart Streams API.
It is even more helpful when used with Firestore as a remote database.
It provides many additional Stream classes, operators (extension methods on the Stream class), and Subjects.
Dart already has a decent package to work with Streams, but RxDart comes to add functionality on top of it.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/rxdart
It provides numerous symbols and icons, 1588 of them to be precise, which you can use in your application for the convenience of your users, since they would be able to locate the features.
Plus, it makes the app more fun to use.
You can add all the colours and designs of your choice and make your application as interesting as you want using this plugin.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/font_awesome_flutter
Related read: Form Builder in Flutter - Form Validation
It is used to find and show images from the internet and to keep them in the cache.
This package allows you to use any widget as a placeholder.
It can be used through Image Provider or just by itself, as you like.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/cached_network_image
This package is useful in launching URLs in various applications such as mobile apps. This would require you to use some predefined schemes and various functions.
It supports a large variety of operating systems- iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The string argument containing a URL is taken by the launch method, which can then be formatted using a number of different URL schemes.
The supported URL schemes depend on the underlying platform and installed apps.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
Related read: How do i open URL in web browser with flutter application
A significant package and a very essential one, Getit helps you improve the performance of your application so that it can work to its best potential.
It is found that Getit is being used by some well known applications, especially the ones created with Flutter.
It has proved helpful in accessing service objects like REST API clients, databases. And you can also use it to access View/AppModels/Managers/BLoCs from Flutter Views.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/get_it
When you need to warn your user about a danger or inconvenience, or to just update them about something or notify some details, Flushbar will come handy! It helps you in creation of error messages, notifications, comment boxes so that you can guide your app users.
It has really simple methods of usage and serves a great purpose.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/flushbar
The Flutter library Dio implements a standard and friendly API for developers. It is a HTTP client for Dart that makes it easy to make requests in a simplified way.
It has provisions of interceptors, global configuration, FormData, request cancellation, file download, timeout, and more.
You can create an instance of Dio with an optional BaseOptions object.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/dio
Related read: REST API Integration in flutter with DIO
You will love this package for the way it lets you decorate and add life to the bottom bar of your application.
You can use it and adjust the icons, the background colour, alignment of the items, to customize the animations you use, and so much more.
It is very simple to handle and use- you can just get started by adding the widget and then build on as you please.
You can use bottom_navy_bar with PageView and PageController too.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/bottom_navy_bar
Bloc_pattern is the library that you would use to maintain a flow in the application by allowing some of the widgets to initiate and send events while the others respond to the same. This gives the user a vibe of the event stream.
Using the concept of Dependency Injection, this particular feature lets you organize and present your application exactly the way you would like to, along with giving the user a satisfactory experience.
BLoC is actually an abbreviation for Business Logic Components.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/bloc_pattern
Flutter_bloc is a predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern. The goal of this library is to make it easy to separate presentation from business logic, facilitating testability and reusability. It is basically a widget that helps in integrating blocs and cubits into Flutter.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc
When you create something with so much zeal, it is essential you also present it just as well, so that even its first impression leaves people content. For this, you can use IntroSlider to introduce your work in the best way!
You can design it as per your taste and add a touch of your personal style using this plugin very easily.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/intro_slider
As the name may have given a hint, this one is used for authentication. All the local biometric based authentication needed in the user’s device, for example, Touch ID, fingerprint API, can be implemented using local_auth.
canCheckBiometrics can be called in order to check whether the local authentication facility is available on the device being used or not.
BiometricType.face and BiometricType.fingerprint are the two types of biometric used as of now.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/local_auth
This Flutter plug-in is for SQLite, a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, SQL database engine. It works in both iOS as well as Android. SQLFlite is a very well maintained plugin, and can help you manage your database very well.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/sqflite
Related read: Flutter SQFlite Example - Flutter DashBoard example
Sometimes we tend to not remember where we stored some files and are unable to look for them since it is so time taking. The Flutter library path_provider finds all these files and data from the entire file system, for you, and gives you their exact locations as well.
Think about the amount of stress you are saving yourself from, and all the time that would be left with you, with the help of this app!
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/path_provider
Flutter_echarts is very useful because of how it connects the change in data and the updating of the charts reactively. The charts automatically re-render when data in the option property changes.
Echarts provides you a lot of extensions which can be used to add the extension scripts as raw strings. You can even customize your themes Echarts themes- you can download them or create and customize them on your own using Echarts theme builder.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_echarts
If you want to make your pictures more fun and cool, here is the library that you would like to use. Extended_image by Flutter is the official library of image. It provides you numerous features to use and options like importing images from anywhere you like and working on them, changing the scale of your image, cropping it, and a lot more. You can use it to zoom and pan, conveniently.
Besides all of these, extended_image also supports placeholder(loading)/ failed state, cache network, photo view, slide out page, editor(crop,rotate,flip), paint custom, etc, making itself a whole package of all these great features.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/extended_image
The purpose of this particular library is to let you paint and help you display Scalable Vector Graphics. It lets you create animated icons without any trouble, and you can also make illustrations, icons and many other such resources. You get to interact with all that you create and modify them as per your requirement.
It is a simple application that you can handle easily, and learn to use really quick. It helps you be more creative and provides a solid platform for your growth in the same.
Flutter_svg is a Dart native extension, meaning it contains two files: a Dart library and a native library.
You may check it out here: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_svg
These are all the Flutter libraries and packages we have loved using. Every developer, designer has their own style and requirements, so you may not have to use all of these, but we hope they help you as much as they've helped so many of us, as and when you need them.
You may sometimes think you can do even without these as well, but we would like to recommend using these so that you can work hassle free and have more fun creating, because that is what these features are made for! They let you build what you want to while they make it convenient for you. Enjoy!
Author Bio:
James Grills is currently associated with Cumulations Technologies, an Android app Development company in India. He is a technical writer with a passion for writing on emerging technologies in the areas of mobile application development and IOT technology.
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