How to Create Custom Shape or Clipper in Flutter

Last updated Nov 12, 2021

In Flutter create a custom shape widget really increases the user experience and in this tutorial, we will see how you can create a custom shape/clipper in the easiest way. 

Let's start

Step 1: Create a new Flutter Application

Step 2: Now for creating custom shape Flutter has a widget called ClipPath, A Widget that clips its child using a path and calls a callback on a delegate whenever the widget is to be painted. The callback returns a path and the widget prevents the child from painting outside the path.

so in this tutorial, we will see how you can get custom clippers for clippath, after creating a new application add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml

  flutter_custom_clippers: ^2.0.0

Once you installed this package we will get access to many custom clipper that can be used in clippath widget in flutter.

for example:


            clipper: WaveClipperTwo(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.deepOrange,

              child: Text('Type 2'),




for child you can have any widget that you want and that widget will get custom shape. There are many clipper in it as

  • WaveClipperOne

  • OvalBottomBorderClipper

  • ArcClipper

  • MovieTicketClipper

  • MultiplePointedEdgeClipper

  • OvalTopBorderClipper

you can try these clipper in clippath to have different shape for you widget.


Complete Source Code to create Custom shapes in flutter application

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:flutter_custom_clippers/flutter_custom_clippers.dart';


void main() => runApp(ClipperDemo());


class ClipperDemo extends StatelessWidget {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return MaterialApp(

      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,

      home: Home(),





class Home extends StatelessWidget {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Scaffold(

      appBar: AppBar(

        title: Text('Clipper Demo'),


      body: ListView(

        padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),

        children: [


            clipper: WaveClipperOne(reverse: true),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.cyan,

              child: Text('Number 1'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: WaveClipperTwo(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.deepOrange,

              child: Text('Type 2'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: OvalBottomBorderClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,


              child: Text('Type 3'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: OvalRightBorderClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.purpleAccent,

              child: Text('Type 4'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: ArcClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.yellowAccent,

              child: Text('Type 5'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: MovieTicketClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,


              child: Text('Type 6'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: MovieTicketBothSidesClipper(),

            child: Container(

              color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,

              height: 100,

              child: Text('Type 7'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: MultiplePointedEdgeClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,

              color: Colors.greenAccent,

              child: Text('TYpe 8'),




            height: 10,



            clipper: OvalTopBorderClipper(),

            child: Container(

              height: 100,


              child: Text('Type 9'),












Video Tutorial


Conclusion: In this way, we have learned how we can get custom shapes and clippers for widgets in Flutter.

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