There are two ways to compare two lists in flutter equals and DeepCollectionEquality collection method. Similarly we can also compare two maps in flutter
Let say we have two list which contains the data below
List<String>list1=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday"]; List<String>list2=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday"]; |
Now compare these two lists by using equals(==) operator
now print compare these two list by
print(list1==list2); print(list1.equals(list2)); |
here the output will be like below
false true |
here == operator the instance of the list not the content, where are equals method compare the data inside lists.
that's why the results came like above
let's create one more list by assigning list1
List<String>list3=list1; print(list1==list3); |
now this will print true.
Here the list is just strings, if suppose we have the list with custom objects, then how we will compare two lists.
List<Day>list1=[Day(1,"Sunday"),Day(2,"Monday"),Day(3,"Tuesday")]; List<Day>list2=[Day(1,"Sunday"),Day(2,"Monday"),Day(3,"Tuesday")]; print(list1==list2); |
when we run it will throw error like
type 'List<String>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Day>' of 'function result' |
Then how we will compare these custom object list in flutter, there the DeepCollectionEquality come to the picture.
To compare custom object lists we will use DeepCollectionEquality
First create instance of DeepCollectionEquality
then apply equals() method by passing the lists
DeepCollectionEquality dc=DeepCollectionEquality();
print("Compare custom list ${dc.equals(list1,list2)}");
This will print out put like
true |
Then what is DeepCollectionEquality
DeepCollectionEquality is a collection class Creates a deep equality on collections where the order of lists and iterables are not considered important. That is, lists and iterables are treated as unordered iterables
Compare Two maps using DeepCollectionEquality.
Let's take two maps
Map<String, dynamic> student1 = { 'name': 'DartStdent', 'class': '10th', 'marks': 98, 'address': { 'Hno': '2-1', 'state': 'Telangana', 'Country': 'India', } }; Map<String, dynamic> student2 = { 'name': 'DartStdent', 'class': '10th', 'marks': 98, 'address': { 'Hno': '2-1', 'state': 'Telangana', 'Country': 'India', } }; |
print("Compare two maps ${dc.equals(student1,student2)}"); |
Compare two maps true |
Conclusion: In this flutter tutorial we covered compare lists and maps inside flutter using equals() method and DeepCollectionEquality collection class
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